Friday, June 7, 2024

Last Day of ALA's Introductory year

 This has been such a challenging year for so many reasons.  Yet I am so proud of our gang for their perseverance and growth!  On the last day of school they were able to wear whatever they wanted!  The lighting wasn't as great for our last day photos, but still wanted to document.
And one outside in our normal spot, since it was daylight out.
They all rode the bus home and Ezra was quick to run to the car!
The girls were not so excited and confused to have their picture taken.
This is the first year that there were no tears leaving school (usually they are from me but this year I was glad to have behind us).
We grabbed a celebratory summer drink at the cafe.
That night their school had reading program tickets for the Bombers baseball game.
My dad came with us.
Happy to get his slushie!
My partner to get through this year!
We closed the night out with fireworks and a grateful heart for a summer break!

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