Saturday, June 22, 2024

"Hughes" Girls Getaway

 For Mother's Day this year, my sisters and I decided to take our mom on a weekend getaway to the mountains this summer.  First stop, great coffee before getting on the road.
Danielle had found a beautiful lavender farm on the way(ish) that we stopped at.  My mom loves flowers so we knew that she would enjoy such!
They had a U-pick options, which was a first for all of us.  
It was easy and smelled great.

Silly selfies...
Almost got everyone looking...
Taking pictures was one of my favorite parts.
Mom photo shoot 😁!

The only down part - intense summer sun and the countless bees that were working hard on their job!
It was a fun experience that I would recommend!
They, also, had an adorable store that we checked out.
We then headed to a mountain peak lookout that was beautiful.
State line from North and South Carolina.
Lauren obliged in a silly photo (she is always a good sport for such).
It was great to feel the cooler temperatures and see the beauty all around!
Took advantage of the pretty scenery for more pictures!
It was just a short walk back to our car (which was good for my mom's injured foot).
We headed to our AirB&B, which turned out to be a one way gravel road up a mountain.  Thankfully Danielle was driving and stayed calm while I was in the back fighting a panic attack (triggered from the couple of similar near death experience from my past).
The view ended up being worth it, though, and it was perfect cabin for us, including a porch swing.
We brought yummy food so we were able to just hang out in the cabin for the whole weekend.
It was a beautiful place to have so many heart to hearts and enjoy the sunsets!
We ate some more, worked on cross stitch projects Danielle brought for us, played a game, and just enjoyed each other's company.
The last night God outdid himself with the most beautiful sunset.
It was magnificent!
I lead us in some stretching while we watched it go down. 
The plan was to visit Asheville on the way back home.  My body had other plans, however, as I somehow had a stomach bug when I woke up that Sunday morning.  Unfortunately, it was a hard trip home and I felt bad for all the throwing up I did in a small space. Mom made it home before the bug hit her.  Not the way that we wanted things to end by any means, but they were all gracious to me.  So thankful for the precious time we did get to have together!

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