We had some really sweet and interesting moments celebrating Easter this year. My parents' church hosted an egg hunt a couple of Saturdays prior and it was pretty cold. This is unexpected to be wearing jackets in April in SC. We just prayed that the threatening rain would pass.
The fire alarm was set off in the building, so a firetruck came to make sure everything was okay. They stuck around a few minutes and the kids got to check it out! My littles loved getting their picture taken with the truck and an actual fire fighter.
Jumping and waving good-bye!
The egg hunt was done in the parking lot and they had a ton of eggs (well over 5,000 I believe) with not a ton of kids.
The kids all quickly filled their baskets...
and comically then didn't know what to do! I have never been in this type of situations!
Zoe had a very large basket...
and a TON of eggs.
The church had a few golden tickets for prize baskets in a few eggs throughout the hunt, while we did empty the eggs and return them, we didn't think that we had a winner. However, once we had just gotten home, Zoe announced that she had found a winning ticket! Shiloh later found that she had one as well. Fortunately they were able to get their baskets later.
Filled with fun little treasures!
The grands are so thoughtful in giving them such fun things!
Then we headed to my parents for lunch. I had the kids make our traditional resurrection rolls.
I love the symbolism of it all...
And it is always fun for the kids to see how the "tomb" is empty and Jesus is gone.
Kid table!
Happy Beach (we were also celebrated his birthday).
Obligatory family picture, which can be a challenge these days.
Bunny hopping pictures because they are fun...
We had a real egg hunt for the littles, you know the type were they have to actually look for the eggs. (Nowadays public egg hunts mean that they are just all spread out on the ground and there is very little "hunting" needed.)

Grammy gave the countdown...
So this was a bit more of a challenge and fun!
And recreating this picture from 8 years ago!
More family photos...
The best host ever!
Resurrection eggs. Such a great activity that goes through the reason we celebrate, Christ Resurrection, the 12 days leading up to Easter.
It was such a beautiful day, we all ended up just enjoying more time outside.
And even got in a little fishing...
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