Looking back over this past year of your sweet life, Zoe, brings a perspective on how things may have changed and the youthful spirit that still remains...
I am so thankful that you are such a loving girl, still wanting to hold my hand and climb up in my lap (and fortunately you still fit)!
I see so much of myself in you, with the way you look and your personality. This can be helpful in relating to you but it also can be hard in that I understand your struggles all to much.
Like your momma, you are a questioner, Zoe, thinking and wanting to understand fully how things work.

You don't usually like cooking in the kitchen but I so do enjoy when you occasionally help; it is a blessing to be able to request assistance with things like browning the meat when in a time crunch.
Zoe, you have a great relationship with your siblings, overall. I know things can be hard sometimes, which gives us opportunities for growth. But it is music to my ears when I hear how you guys are often happy and content together.

(Although you are not a fan of the rough love ;-)

Your loving heart extends to your cousins and and family members as you love hard!

(Although you are not a fan of the rough love ;-)
Your loving heart extends to your cousins and and family members as you love hard!

We have seen some new and more complex dynamics with friends that have lead to many interesting discussions.
This year has brought a new look, as you have gotten glasses...
and have begged for months about getting a hair cut...
finally that wish was granted!
We often talk about having a "Growth Mindset" and figuring things out on your own, and I have seen improvements for you in this area!
Zoe, I have been so proud of how hard you have worked in school (mostly independent of any help from your momma), and I have been excited to see how you have made the honor roll each time. You especially love history and are so curious about it all.
I have, also, been proud to see how you have become a bit more bold in being able to do things in front of others, even asking for a speaking part in the 3rd grade performance. This is a large leap from last year when speaking in front of parents in class was too scary.
Reading is your favorite, which you are awesome at, and you can finish a book in a day, easy. (However, as much as you read I couldn't find one picture of you doing so.)
You love to try different activities. I am sure you would do them all if you could (but we still hold fast to the one activity at a time rule). This year you have been busy with gymnastics, cheerleading, and Run Hard.
Zoe, it is fun to see your sense of adventure, often showing bravery...
You do enjoy coming up with your own fun ways to do food from time to time.
I cherish that you still have many of the little girl innocence in you, for example that you still enjoy dressing up.
You adore Valentines day, claiming it as one of your favorite holidays!
We do try to do some little things to make it special.
Zoe you have a strong sense of justice and fairness, that can be hard to maneuver in this world, but that you can you use to do great things!
To the one that made me a momma, I am so thankful for the beautiful light you are to our family and others. While you challenge me, it helps me grown and depend more on the Lord, as you slowly exit young adolescence. I want you to know that you are so special and loved! I pray that Jesus will enable you to continue to always let that light shine!
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