Zoe's 9th birthday was, thankful, one full of health and fun. Her requested breakfast that morning was cereal (we don't normally eat such due to the sugar content - I know I'm that mom), and she was trilled.

Dad even made her some coffee served with fine china.
Zoe was delighted that I came to eat lunch with her, and she enjoyed what I had made her that day.
After school, Run Hard, and stopping by the kiosk for a birthday drink, Zoe requested to go to the park with some friends.
Sweet present!
These girls have huge hearts and I'm glad they enjoy each other so!
Once home we had a gift drop from our neighbor buddy, an awesome journal with her own name on it!
Birthday meal request: Grilled cheese and sweet potato fries!
She got her favorite requested item: silly scent pencils.
Topped off with a special treat for my special girl!
Family dinner night that week was Zoe's requested meal: Breakfast for dinner!
Shiloh, always putting on some type of production, had Danielle crown Zoe the birthday girl.
Some fun presents...
My favorite...Lauren gave her one of her American Girl Dolls from her youth, Molly. I just love how Zoe was still so excited to receive it and that youthful spirit is still there, as I know we may not have much longer with it. Zoe has been really into reading American Girl Books and history, so it was perfect.
Special treat time!
As this was the year of birthday parties, Zoe was pumped to have her birthday at Irmo park! She wanted to invite her whole class, as well as some additional friends and we ended up with a large turn out. She was thrilled that her teacher even came! Such an awesome gesture!!!
After some playtime,we decorated cupcakes....
and played spring bingo (Zoe's request).
The kids seemed to enjoy it, but I'm not going to lie, it felt a little like controlled chaos to this momma!
Colorful sugar all around. I justified it that the cupcakes were not that big, so there was a limited amount that could fit!
Singing to the birthday girl...
While there were other tables to sit at, these girls preferred the ground.
Present time was a bit overwhelming...
but so fun for her.
After the main event there was much more playing to be had!
Also at the park later that day was a local Easter Egg hunt. My littles had already requested that we stay for that as well, so we made it work.
One of Zoe's little buddies was able to stay, too (which she was thrilled about).
So many people (and eggs) but the weather was amazing.
Birthday girl racked up.
I do love this picture....after many fun hours at the park we were pretty worn out...but had a great day.
My growing Zoe, you are one beloved little girl. So thankful that all the details worked out to celebrate you this weekend!
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