Sunday, June 30, 2024

June - Summer Yet? (Part 2)

June was such a full month (part 1 found here).
 Dinner at my parents and the girls got my phone...
Silliness and giggles!
Train days for Ezra...
Zoe started Cross County over the summer, running at school some mornings. Despite the early wake up, she was excited to get going with it.
Zoe's selfie game is still going strong, and sometimes she will catch you in the act as well!
How about a surprise one right when I come out of the bathroom...
Zoe likes playing with .5 camera and getting silly pictures of us.
I am very proud of Beach for his hard work in getting a beautiful clock tower donated for our town.  
They had a ribbon cutting ceremony that we were all able to attend. 
The kids got to hold the ribbon that was given to Beach.
Interviewed for the news...
Silly kids waiting...
Pool time with friends was the best.
Costco shopping and this girl is always a great helper.  She, also, enjoys trying out the products.
Dinner at my parents and mom tried out Josiah's play box. 
Being silly!
Zoe, also, enjoyed taking pictures of my phone (again).
Braided hair by Grammy!
A full month of fun and adventure!  I think we are enjoying a different pace and break from the long school days!

June - Summer Yet? (Part 1)

So close to summer break...but the kids had one more week before the end of the school year
We celebrated Donna's birthday with lunch out...
Selfies with grandma.
May this year be a blessing filled with love!
Ezra and his sweet neighbor friend.  He was excited to help him put together a lego espresso machine.
Still sweating it out with my Hotworks workouts.
A good night with friends means I almost always forget to take any pictures!
Once the kids were home and out of school, I often had a buddy that would sit with me while I read my Bible in the mornings.
Summer dollar movies are back.  Grandpa joined us and surprised the kids with a large popcorn!
We all had a great time.
We joined the local pool for the first time this summer.  The kids were very excited about the idea!
Shiloh enjoyed a pool party bonding day with her cheer team.
The Ag&Art Tour came around again, and we love when mom can join us! The cafe was actually a part of the tour this year, so Beach was there giving roasting demos.  Zoe was not feeling well so we had a smaller family group for checking out the different locations this year. 
It is always fun when there is produce to be snacked on!
Shiloh's favorite are the animals!
There are other interesting things to explore, including old houses...
and yard games.
Silly photo ops. 
Grammy is a good sport.
I did get some sauna time in with my Zoe though!
For Father's dad our church they had an interesting photo station set up.
We enjoyed having Beach's parents over for lunch.
Glenn had some of his favorite drinks...
and Beach made his infamous gluten free pizza.
We then headed to the pool....
and Beach tried out the high dive. 
The kids all made cards for their dad.
June was such a full month, more to come (see part 2 here).