I've never been one to make big new years goals...but there is something about a fresh new calendar.
A time of newness, starting over, gearing back up. And it can be good to stop and reflect on how your moving forward. I want to be more intentional overall and am setting goals to do so.
This pic has nothing to do with that...just thought this cup was a hoot (wait...who even uses that word - not me in real life)! Yes, this is what my hubby makes coffee for me in on our way to a busy birthday party.

But for real, who's complaining about Beach's mad skills...if I can get up early enough to make it to the best coffee in town...you know I'm stopping by.
Nothing better to start your day off with and being reminded of the love.

But for real, who's complaining about Beach's mad skills...if I can get up early enough to make it to the best coffee in town...you know I'm stopping by.
Nothing better to start your day off with and being reminded of the love.
We got to go to a fun couple of birthday parties. Love this of Zoe and her bud, Maya.
She quiet enjoyed being in charge of her own shopping cart all by herself at Edventure.
This little cautious spirit took awhile to try the bar at a little gym party, but once she did....headed back to it every time she could! I love to see her grow and challenge herself! The mom in me, also, loves that she is cautious and wants to be safe.
Although, when this thing blew up, she crawled to me as fast as she could!
A couple of days after the party, Zoe demonstrated her new somersault skill. She loves it and is so proud of herself, doing them down the hallway.
Although, when this thing blew up, she crawled to me as fast as she could!
A couple of days after the party, Zoe demonstrated her new somersault skill. She loves it and is so proud of herself, doing them down the hallway.
So my little is scooting around really well now! I don't think she will craw, as her own method is proving to be quiet successful for her! It is hilarious to watch and she is so happy to be getting around and trying to keep up with her big sister!
Shiloh can be a very intense child. I have no idea where she gets that from ;-)~ She is so funny the way that she balls her fist up and shakes her whole body. It's as if she can't stand all the energy the she has that it just has to go somewhere. She loves to give me these big sloppy kisses with her mouth open. The other day she did it so intensively that she actually left a little hickey on my chin. Crazy girl.
Have you read this amazing book yet. It is awesome and a part of our nightly routine. Zoe has been captivated by it for over a year now. She has a great attention span!
Zoe has really been into test every boundary lately, encouraging mom to work on her sanctification process. She has pushed me to find new creative ways to try to get her to listen. A great reminder that, yes, she is only two.
Family Christmas time with Beach's family - somebody please remind me to take better pictures during family get togethers!
Any time that it is warm outside in the winter I try to take advantage of it and soak it up.
This day was especially nice, as it fell on a Sunday and Daddy was home!
This day was especially nice, as it fell on a Sunday and Daddy was home!
Zoe's first water color paintings! I think she enjoyed it!!
Since she got sick in December, Shiloh pretty much won't go to sleep unless I'm right there beside her. This has made things pretty rough for her momma in getting anything done. Her nap time use to mean my work time....it's been a hard month in that regards. But the huge bonus is I get to stair at this amazing creature!
Zoe, on the other hand, enjoys pretend sleeping. She is a nut, and I love it!
As I have mentioned, money has been tight, as well as Beach and I's time together. When he heard me mention that I had never been to the Mellow Mushroom, he saved up all his "good behavior points" (OK that is clearly not what they call them but that is basically what they are) and turned them in when he left work so that he could take me there. He is such a sweet man.
It was a special night indeed with this amazing love.
It was a special night indeed with this amazing love.
Yep, I would say we are starting this year off right!