Well hello there October and finally some weather that is a bit cooler, so after school play is much more enjoyable.
Shiloh did a great job performing a quick little piece with her class during chapel....I just wish it had been a bit longer!
I love getting to capture such precious memories like this one of the kids initiating Shiloh reading to Ezra. This went on for a few books and many sweet memories!
Big shout out to the sister who has such fun little kid birthdays!
Big shout out to the sister who has such fun little kid birthdays!
I borrowed some pictures Aaron took to capture the event of The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

Birthday girl and momma!

Birthday girl and momma!
Games and play.
Shiloh loved the tattoos and placing them all over her body.
Ezra enjoyed the snacks.
This was the first time I've given any belly tats (per her request)!
I never want to forgot the normal moments of everyday. This sweet one is on repeat...cars, cars, cars. Even till you get so tired you want to drop!
We got to have lunch with Zoe on parents lunch day!
We always have to say goodbye to the fish on the way out, usually greeting with kisses!
More cars! He loves the mat my Aunt Laurie gave him!
Literacy night at Zoe's school was a quick drop-in for us, complete with karaoke. Zoe didn't want to try it but after watching little sister sing with a couple of boys, she braved the mike.
"Mommy I'm telling the whole world I love you." Passion and love run strong with this one!
Grammy is the best and we all can't get enough!
We had a fun afternoon play date at the zoo! There was barely anyone else there!
I was strongly reminded how much things have changed! Zoe wanted to lead the way as she studied the map, and Shiloh wanted to push Ezra the whole time. We have come a long way from me usually wearing and/or pushing them all.
However, they do still love this tree hole to poke their heads out of.
Our friend likes map studding too!
Getting all 6 kids in the same picture was not going to happen (that is without bribery and lots of coaching)....so this is the best of 4.
I thought the otters were so fun and very interactive with the kids!
My silly boys. Not sure what inspired this selfie time to have Ezra put his foot in his mouth.
We just picked Zoe up a few minutes early one day and went during lunch time when you can get in free. It was a perfect amount of time to see and experience what we wanted too!
Clearly Ezra was petrified at being a Clemson bee hive.
It was a fun treat to see this area where things were all free and the kids could play a couple games.
Daddy showed the girls how it is done!
We even got to have some pictures taken by them!
Let's be real, though, it was unseasonably warm. We wanted to watch the pig races but this was a full on sun spot.
However, they didn't mind once they got their first taste of an elephant ear!
What I wasn't expecting, though, was how much a lure the rides would be for Zoe, as it had not been a draw when she was younger.

So we decided to search and find one that we could all do together (that wouldn't involve sickness) and enjoyed the Ferris wheel.
They were beyond excited and really loved it!

We also got to see a few other random fun before we headed out!
We also got to see a few other random fun before we headed out!
SOARfest with Zoe's soccer was really enjoyable, especially with a real live firetruck!
And even a hayride.
Ezra has done well overall at Zoe's games, but truthfully...its hard being 2-years-old and keeping yourself occupied....sometimes you just need to put on momma's sunglasses and run out into the field!
One afternoon I had to squeeze in a quick shopping trip while I had only one kid in toe. She was thrilled to join me with her own "coffee"!
One afternoon I had to squeeze in a quick shopping trip while I had only one kid in toe. She was thrilled to join me with her own "coffee"!