Seeing how I lost most of the pictures from January, due to my phone dying before I downloaded them, I did have a little from the end of the month...

Sweet Ezra remembered the pictures that he had seen from when he was a baby and I took monthly photos in a laundry basket to show his growth.
He wanted to recreate such, on top of clean laundry of course!
Zoe spent some time with my sister and captured this amazing photo while on a walk.
Typically Friday pizza/movie night. Daddy is often quick to fall asleep from the long week.
How cute are the admin at the kids school! They dress up each month to hand out character awards to the kids. This month's theme was Empathy, which Zoe was awarded in her class.
Hormones are tough. Sometimes they keep you up and then you fall asleep anywhere later, like your mother's lap when you are sitting on the stairs.
Zoe got into creating some desserts this month, including a healthy parfait.
She enjoyed making such on her own and the end product!
On a sunny afternoon after school, we took advantage of a little free time to go to a small park for a bit.
Always running...
and the girls enjoy the tricks!
My long legged girls.
After a hard time with a Little, I find this note tapped to my bed...
Zoe loves fun with filters...
and this one is accurate of how I feel about all this winter weather.
Spring is coming right?