Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Bring it school....these girls are ready!

A new school year and we were all pretty excited for a variety of reason.  There is something refreshing to a new start, to more routine and to how much learning seems to happen so quickly!
Thankful to check out Zoe's new classroom ahead of time and found that one of her friends from last year would be in her class!  This was a HUGE wonderful surprise!
Zo got to meet her new fun energetic teacher that seems to be a good fit.
She even had letters and glow sticks for her students to read the night before school was to start!
However, Shiloh was the one to actually start school first.  We did get to briefly meet her teacher at her new school in the hallway but sadly was not able to check out her classroom.
The girls were so excited when the day finally arrived!  They were thrilled at the fun breakfast I made them.
My big 4-year-old couldn't be more trilled to finally start school herself.  She didn't seem nervous at all!
Ezra insisted on wearing a backpack at all times while we got ready, not wanting to be excluded!
This year Shiloh will only be attending two mornings a week at a homeschool class.  It will give her a good balance of the mommy time she craves as well as some school experience. 
She had no problem with us leaving when it was time to go.  Such a comfort to leave her there!
She was still excited when she came home, gave me an update and had this adorable picture!
Then it was Zoe's turn for her 1st.  She poured over the letter from her teacher the night before, excited for her glow stick that went along with it!
Of course she had a special breakfast, too!
And first day pictures!
Ezra was still snoozing away, at this point.
Her teacher took this hilarious picture.  Not sure why she is making this smile face now from time to time.
I had her make this at home.
The next day it was the sweetest thing.  The girls got up before me, went to our freezer in the basement to find more frozen waffles, toast them, and design faces in order to make me my own surprise in the living room. I came in right before the glitter was being taken out to decorate the table.  Man I love them (and my timing ;-)!
I have high hopes that this is going to be a great school year!  A part of my heart will miss them always home, though!  My little 4K and 1st grader!

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