Another Lovely month!
Besides our Valentines activities we had many birthday celebrations and we kicked it off with cousin's 5-year-old ballerina party!
Cute crafts involved!
Loving family (and many pictures I borrowed from Aarron, too)!
The month-apart twins!
Shiloh covered Ezra's mouth, so to protect any extra blowing out I suppose.
My girls were excited to give the birthday cards that they made!
Another fun cousin birthday - bowling style.
My kids are novice, to say the least, and loved it!
The countdown and assisted push!
Even Ezra got in on the action and wanted to carry the balls by himself.
Some cards from the girls (and a great momma reaction).
Crazy cousin gang!
Our beautiful weather calls for a walk on the golf course.
Flowers (weeds) in bloom!
They love to "climb" in this tree, and Ezra was shaking things up here, much to his sister chagrin.
Co-op time and I have some bunnies ready for their bunny snack!
Our great PA had their first birthday, so we dropped by for a picture!
Lots more yard work this month, and Zoe begged for my phone camera one day. I had no idea why but she insisted that there was something that she needed to take a picture of. She went inside to find it and then got to work. I later discovered her work of God's handy work on my cool!
Aunt Lauren's birthday and the girls were not prepared for sparkling candles!
Another handmade card of love!
Zoe's class had an optional Saturday field trip to Sharing God's Love, a food bank in our town, to drop off the cans they had raised and to check it out!
It was awesome having the kids get to see the operation and get an explanation of the needs.
Ha! This picture, captured by Zoe's teacher, shows my frustrated face in that my very large 4-year-old wanted to be held throughout much of the process.
The kids got to sort out the cans...
and got a tour of the clothes and other donation items.
Zoe's class members that came out that morning!
I loved being able to take my littles to see the operations and help to open their eyes to the needs all around us!
Zoe has been enjoying her dance class, and it is fun to be able to peak in on the action from time to time!
Girl Cupcake Party for sweet Hattie!
There was paper cupcake decorating...
a fun cupcake story...
and cupcakes for them to decorate themselves!
A fun little 4-year-old party indeed!
This is what I call Sabbath!
Shiloh begged to chop up some veggies when our neighbor was chop they did!
Another amazingly beautiful day means a long overdue trip to the zoo!
The excitement was a bit hard to contain and the running began!
Along with cousins, Aunt Lauren was able to join us!
We stayed over at the Waterfall Junction time all morning, as they just loved it!
Especially the Dino dig, its reminiscence of the beach, but less mess as they are tiny pebbles instead of sand.
They, also, loved the garden and Ezra barely budged from this spot of pumping his own water.
We found some carrots growing, and I'm not totally sure if it was allowed, but we did enjoy them!
"My first pulled out carrot!"
There was, also, many different kinds of herbs around, which some liked more than others.
The girls built a little statue and it was hard for them to not take it home, but they settled for just a picture.
We LOVE our Zoo!
Shiloh has been constantly begging for a picnic in our backyard and we finally were able to have one.

Apparently Zucchini noodles are the best!
I woke up Ezra one afternoon to find that he had pulled in the bean bag and was, thus, soaking with sweat from sleeping on it!
Snuggles all around....night, night February!