The girls were pretty excited about Valentines Day! Zoe had been telling me for MONTHS how it was her second favorite holiday. I still wasn't sure why, but I did see how important it was to her. The day came and she had all her cards made for her classmates, and handmade cards for her past teachers (that she planned to deliver that morning) and was dressed and ready to go when I woke up!
A few days beforehand she asked if I would be making the frozen yogurt hearts. I did not even remember that this was even a thing! But with some prompting it did come to mind and I dug up the mold. I repeatedly told them I didn't know how much or little I could do, as my body is unpredictable right now it how much it is able to function. 
But seeing as it really was super easy, I put together the hearts the night before and they were beyond thrilled the next morning. Although Ezra still couldn't finish his as it was to cold for him.
But seeing as it really was super easy, I put together the hearts the night before and they were beyond thrilled the next morning. Although Ezra still couldn't finish his as it was to cold for him.
They LOVED opening their cards from their Michigan Grandparents. Such big smiles (#Crazybedhairdon'tcare)!
Grandma and Grandpa hit it just right with cars for Ez and Princess for the girls.
Beach and I actually had a meeting that morning, so my sister was kind enough to co-op for me. Then we had a brunch date! Our first date of the year and first time at Eggs Up Grill. It was really nice to squeeze in some time to be together!
Then I got to help out a bit at Zoe's school party. She was so worried about me seeing what she was writing for me as she wanted it to be a surprise.
She is always delighted to have me there and the feeling is mutual!
After school the kids enjoyed playing next door with their friend, who got a new Polaroid camera. It was so funny to watch them as they set up a scene, took a picture, found wrapping paper and tape in the house and then made a present for Beach and me.
One of Shiloh's gifts is decorating so any reason to and she is at it. Like unloading the dishes and seeing the wine glasses spurred her on and she was in the zone setting up a scene with them and finding the wine (for Beach and I) and them making cards! These are skills that are not in my repertoire so it is fascinating for me to see them blossom and know that they will just continue to grow!
After a kid pleasing dinner, one last thing before bed, decorating marshmallows...
After a kid pleasing dinner, one last thing before bed, decorating marshmallows...
(I had to include several pictures of more prof of what it is like attempting to take a picture with Shiloh and her many faces).
Upon hearing that I had gotten said marshmallows the previous day, Zoe exclaimed, "This is going to be the best Valentines Day EVER!" I do love how they get sooo very excited about the smallest things (like a bag of marshmallows that cost less than a dollar).
Also, picture to note how the intense love can sometimes be to much for little man.
I had to give up my whole food ways and breakdown to buy such but I was so glad I did for the joy it brought to them. They loved drizzling the coconut chocolate on them and being involved in the decorating process.
This is so sweet ❤️❤️❤️❤️