Saturday, February 9, 2019


I have loved the concept of Ebenezer since I first learned about it some 20 years ago.  Webster defines it simply as "a commemoration of divine assistance".  Yet it is so deeper than that.  

On further examination in the Old Testament, it began for the Israelites after a time of repentance, destroying their idols, the Lord wining the battles against their enemy and they, thus, created a physical spot of stones in recognition of what God had done for them.

The Israelites needed reminders for they all to quickly forgot how faithful the Lord was to them.  Constantly.  Any new little thing that came up and it was like the memory seemed to be erased.  And isn't that like us, like me.  I forget all too easily.  "Sure Lord, you helped me with so much already but THIS (insert current problem/issue), THIS seems so HUGE, let me just try to solve it myself (or give up completely)."

So I NEED reminders too.  While I have the Holy Spirit living alive in me, and I'm so thankful that part of his job is just that, reminding me of the Lord, I also like to have physically things for me to point to and explain to future generations. 
I'm hopeful the Lord will continue to show me ways and things to represent my own Ebenezers, as just a pile of rocks doesn't have quite the same affect in our current culture.  One thing that He has blessed me with (through my sister Danielle making a Christmas present years ago) is a form of a calendar that I write down three things that I am thankful for each day.  Then in future years I can look back on that date and see all the things, big and small, that He has done, and continue to be thankful!  It is so simple and yet one of my favorite presents ever.  While I haven't been perfect in filling it out, it is pretty full and I'm working on my 6th year!
Another way for me to mark the Lord's movement is through this blog.  So I want to be more intentional about  recording what He has done....least I forget.  As well as I want it to be a form of worship for my Lord, for He deserves all the glory, praise and honor!

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