Ezra's last baseball game of the year and it ended up being a really cold night! The Russell girls came out to support as well!
One loved boy!
That's a wrap finishing up his first season! We will be back in the spring!
Beach and I both graduated from CIU (at different times - I loved it so much I encouraged him to go as well). They have their 100 anniversary this year and we attended the business partner lunch.
The next day we carried flags for the the parade at CIU. Beach is on the alumni counsel and was tasked with such and signed me up as well.
I honestly had no idea what to expect and in a busy season wasn't sure about such. But it ended up being a lot of fun and brought such a smile to my face the entire time. Thinking of all the countries the gospel has gone to and then walking down the boulevard surrounded by all the Ben Lippen students and CIU, the next generation to come to spread the good news!
Later that day we headed to Steal Hands to support them in their coffee logger event.

They have used our cold brew now for five years! And we so appreciate their partnership.
So many selfies found on my phone!
Shiloh participated in a youth church program called Worship Academy. She learned how to work the lights and cameras and seemed to enjoy it!
Shiloh loves to create and surprised me with a Christmas themed drink.
Beach brought home his mini roaster and Ezra was curious how it worked.
I was so thankful that Ezra's lower school had a night time event, Camp Learn A Lot.
There have not been any opportunities for me to go to the school since it started, so I was thankful for a time to see some of the teachers and meet some other families.
My parents were gracious in watching the kids while we were at Coffee Fest. Ezra helped with some landscaping.
The girls enjoyed some extra Piper love!
One afternoon, while Zoe was with some friends downtown, I enjoyed a beautiful walk by the river.
Friendsgiving with some fantastic hosts!
Donald (Beach's younger brother) came to town to visit for Thanksgiving and, also, joined us.
Thankful for Mat and his friendship with Beach!
Some of our fabulous employees were able to join us!
It was a beautiful night!
The kids hung out with us for awhile and then enjoyed putting together a puzzle inside.
We hosted a pizza oven photo shoot at the cafe.Some of our fabulous employees were able to join us!
It was a beautiful night!
The kids hung out with us for awhile and then enjoyed putting together a puzzle inside.
All the pizza fun inspired Beach enough for us to get our own little pizza oven for the house.
We, also, were decorating for Christmas and Shiloh gave him a hat to wear!
"If your going to make that face at me than I will put it on the blog...."
Zoe was still recovering from her sickness.
It's always a debate on who will hang the star. We couldn't quite remember and Ezra got the honors....
However, further researched lead to it being found that he actually did it last year, and it was really Shiloh's turn. So she got a redo!
Tree complete!
Big eyes!
While I may not be into changing things up with an elf, Shiloh sure has loved to get into mischief with it!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
One last LC visit for Donald before he heads back home to Michigan!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Our neighbor sent us this amazing picture! I somehow missed it when I left that morning, but there was a beautiful rainbow right over our house!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Big day for Zoe....getting the braces off!
Pretty smile!
At the office, when they get their braces off, they are able to fill up a cup full of candy that they were not supposed to have when they had braces!
Score! She was proud of how much she fit in, but not thrilled that I was taking a picture.Prefect teen face!
Thankful that we were able to celebrate Thanksgiving (mostly together) this month as well before we move into the even busier season!