Then came the packing.....that of which I hate.
By the time it was time to go that night I just wanted to give up. The last time I went somewhere I tried to pack light and ended up really missing a lot of things. So this time I knew that I just needed to try to be as prepared that was reasonable but still didn't want to bring my whole house for this small little baby.
We all managed to fit in the car and it wasn't long upon getting there that I discovered many things that we should have brought. Luckily, we were there with many other families, with babies, so I could use some of their stuff, otherwise I just don't see how it is even possible for one to make such a trip.

Zoe hated the water (and naps -most of the time-at least inside- and her pack and play and being away from her home) but it made for some fun pictures. All this to say that it meant much holding time for mom and dad. It seemed that that was the only way that she appeared at peace (most of the time).
My amazing husband was also such a support to me......another thing I couldn't do a trip without him! He was there to help with whatever we

to need to be able to get off for the day and throughout the day. It made all the other
things actually doable.
It was such a fun time getting to be with theses amazing couples, to enjoy much time under the tent just relaxing, to take a walk with our growing family and take some fun pictures.
So we had to get some "formal" beach pics and because this was at a point in my packing that I was beyond stressed.....we opted for the cheesy white shirts and jeans. (I thought if everyone has done it, there must be a reason,
More formal pictures to come.....I hope this is something that we can continue to do through the years as we build more memories together. After all what can be better than being at the beach with my own Beach!
P.S. I have no idea how this picture things work and it took me forever to post this just because I was trying to figure it out...sort of got part of it.
so excited you are blogging :) looking forward to reading and enjoying pictures! zoe love is an absolute dollbaby :)