It had been a long five years since I made it up back to Michigan to visit Beach's family. However, Beach's cousin getting married was an excuse for the trip, as it was not to be missed! So much changes in five years (in this case two additional children and huge career adjustments amongst other things), yet somethings feel just the same! Leaving my littles was a little challenge but so very thankful for my family to love on them while we were gone! They rode with us to our flight the night we left.
One of those constants in life is Beach's mom in the kitchen whipping up something yummy with her amazing skills! Is Cooking and Baking a love language? If so this is where it's at! She had a feast for us upon waking the next morning.
After such, she took me shopping (her other love language) for my birthday and we found some killer deals, as always.
Meanwhile Beach had some bonding time with his "little" brother.
Later on we got to catch up briefly with his cousin and aunt.
Can I just say that I'm sooooo beyond glad I was cleared to have dairy right before we left? Donna had also already made this three level chocolate cake for my birthday (in that it was still three weeks away I was beyond surprised)!
It was to good not to share, so we headed over to Beach's grandmother's house to surprise her!
She was beyond excited to see us. This women is amazing and just radiates joy. I sure hope that my heart can sing as much as hers does!
The next morning it was Glen's turn to make his specialty of waffles. I may not have had one since the previous time that I was there.
Cinder Mills are a big thing up in MI, so Donald took us to one that had just opened for the season.
It was an amazingly beautiful day, such a welcome break from the 100s that we left home from.
Donuts, hot apple cider and apple slushes.
But my LOW of the trip was definitely this moment. You know who else loves cider mills....bees! And you know who the bees wanted to attack, despite me attempting to get away from them and leave them alone? This girl, stung right on the nose. I attempted to try to stay calm, especially after discovering I did not have my essentials oils on me, as I had thought, and being told in the past by a Dr. that I was highly allergic. I was very thankful that I did have my frankincense with me back at the house that seemed to help a few hours later when I was able to get to it.
We continue to enjoy the weather at a local festival and the boys stopped in for a chocolate treat and coffee.
That night the main events, Beach's beautiful cousin's marriage, began with the rehearsal dinner.
So we all got dressed up and enjoyed the beautiful scenery of the lake.
Donna, and her sister-in-law, are two peas in a pod and she gave her a gift to thank her for all her wedding help.
I was near by to snap her excitement!
It was a joy to hear the bride and groom give a little speech to one another.
Glen even surprised them with a speech of his own, with bunny ears to match. It was really touching.
The next day, after a wonderful brunch with Beach's grandmother and my neglectful self in not capturing any pictures, sigh (there is something wonderful, though, about being so present in the moment)...
We cherished the wedding between the loving couple.
Another sweet moment between BFFs.
At the reception, we enjoyed sitting with Beach's cousins.
Nathaniel's date was not able to make we did the best we could.
Then let the dancing begin! This was so fun! Donna danced almost the entire time....and Beach joked around and grabbed a sign for her.
Bring on the foam lights.
It made everyone want to join in, even Beach's grandma!
The next day the family had brunch for one last time to get together before this girl headed back to NYC and we headed back down south!
That night we had another fine dinner with Beach's parents.
After me dying to enjoy some of the awesome weather....they took us to a near by lake around sunset.
We dipped our toes in the freezing water after some encouragement from Glen!
I attempted to do some jump picture explanations....clearly our timing was off on the first one, as Beach captured the landing.
And my hair kept attaching my jumps with Donna.
But Beach nailed a great one with his momma!
So I realized I had the flight information totally wrong (who does that!) and we had an extra day. So thankful for my parents willingness to watch the littles another night and having great employees, that it turned into less of a big deal than it was in my head.
So we squeezed in one last visit with another aunt and uncle and cousin....complete with chickens and peach trees!
We may never be back, just the two of us, to MI; we sure did enjoy it!
Thankful for this cute guy to head home with...
and delta points to take us there.
Sunsetting it back to reality and those littles that these arms have missed holding...And a heart full of lots of family love!
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