During our last full day of our family vacation, the littles that had yet see the nature preserve wanted to check out what they had been missing.
Little crabs everywhere to observe.
All my kids still enjoy holding hands and their Grands so much!
At one of the docks we took some time to watch the boats drive by.
I could almost get them to look at me for a picture.
Dad was able to capture a selfie of us all!
Back at "home", Zoe's turn for finishing up her school work, and she had a morning conference with her teacher.
Then we all headed back out to the beach.
Tide pools are my favorite!
Attempted a family photo before we headed in for the day. Ezra wasn't feeling it...so it was just us with our girls.
And a few more!
3 generations of love!
The girls wanted to stay out a bit more, and being our last day it wan't hard to convince me! The had so much fun playing with one another, and it brought joy in my heart to watch them. Zoe found an interesting sea creature.
I also wanted to take a couple of sister shots as well.
I pray that they will always be close and look out for one another!
My sweet little beauties!
Post shower snuggles with Gramy.
After dinner we went to watch the sun set.
Dad practiced more selfie times.
Some bad lighting but adorable smiles!
Even got Mom even there for one picture, but Ezra's attention couldn't be torn away from the boat docking.
The next day after we cleaned and packed up, I had to get one more little beach fix.
A little walk to breathe in the salt air, as we said farewell to the ocean.
However, we weren't quite ready to head home. We had a stop at Vereen Memorial Gardens nearby where we had a picnic lunch.
And checked out more of the beauty of the cost.
This park had a unique feature of having an oyster wishing tree.
We added on to the fun.
It was interesting to see some of the creativity left behind.
My tree climbing monkey.
One more picture with my love with my ridiculous sunglasses.
Then we headed out of town. However, being national donut day, it called for one last stop when we saw a Krispy Kreme.
Lots of smiles for such a rare treat!
So very thankful for these few days to get away and enjoy being together with another fabulous beach week!
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