Continued from the previous post...Shiloh was at it again with her gift giving.
She is good at bringing the smiles!
Sweet, tired, cousins enjoying reading and snuggles.
Thankful to get a break from work to spend time with friends.
The busy host creating her masterpiece.
Played with a silly app for minute...I present...Beach, Kelly and me!
We had a good time dancing.
This is often how Beach looks at me.
Me and my buddy in a couple of years!
Meanwhile the kids were able to settle into a movie!
Annual tradition of attending our Chiropractors' Christmas party, complete with a picture with Santa.
Max Living full of life and adorable littles!
While it may not be one of my favorite events, the pickings are still pretty slim, and the littles love this candy cane "hunt".
It was, also, PJ day at school, thus their outfits.
I think the idea of calling it a hunt is rather silly,
as they are just spread around a field.
But the kids love it nevertheless.
Even though we thought they were done, Shiloh somehow later found a pickle ornament (one of the special coveted items to turn in for a prize).
Ezra's last school day before Christmas break was a virtual one, so he opened his gift with his class online.

He was excited about his gift and it was adorable!
Laundry is the least favorite chore for the kids, it would seem. If they are a least bit tired, they have found one way to get out of it for the day is to fall asleep on it.
Waiting on that coffee to be done.
We had a great visit from some of Beach's extended family from out of town.
They love to come with special treats for the littles!
We enjoyed a yummy lunch at Liberty.
The kids seemed to really enjoy their advent calendars!
Our Christmas tree had many presents under it early this year. Shiloh really got into wrapping (I am pretty sure that is one of her favorite things) and created all the presents (mostly from her room).
Using an old box, she, also, made a fireplace and even found a video on her chrome book to make it complete.
Beach's grandmother sent a food box for Christmas...
Always a fun unveiling!
In finding out about my mom's surprise upcoming heart surgery, we wanted to make the most of her being able to take a walk with us on a beautiful sunny day.
The kids reenacting a photo from when they were younger.
I might like to have them hang on as long as possible.
We love her so much!
Annnndddd.... that is all I got from my camera before it died, loosing about a month's worth of photos including all of Christmas day itself. So very sad to loose those precious memories. However, Beach did take a few on his phone. Christmas morning smiles!
While Beach and I often don't exchange gifts, he does like a stocking! This picture was pretty funny, as it appears that Shiloh is popping out of the top!
Chocolate and
Kipper snacks (a childhood tradition).
A certificate for a future date night!
And a fun t-shirt!
The stocking was filled with some little treats...
and special treasures from my littles!A special day calls for a special hot chocolate.
Someone lucked out on the whipped cream!

Happy littles!
and with the best Grands!
Annnddd all the sweet cousins!
Merry Christmas!