Sunday, October 31, 2021

The Return of Halloween Fun

 Most of the fall fest were a no go last year, so we were all happy to have some back again.  We hit up a few to make up for long lost fun.  This was a very short drop in at Lowes.
My parents took the littles to one, as Beach and I were not able to do so.  They sent this picture and, despite Zoe's face, they reported they had a good time.
Another day, on the way home, we saw another one, so we swung by with the kids in normal clothes for their trunk-or-treat.
The church across from our kiosk adversistered their festival with a banner, that my kids constantly saw and asked about.  I ended up there with just these two, as Shiloh was not feeling so well that night.
Hotdog walking the cake walk...
She had an interesting (and allowed) technique to lay down at the end of the song to cover as many numbers as she could.  It eventually paid off.
The bouncy houses/slide were by far the favorite.
We had a great time, and Zoe actually won a grand prize at one trunk with her shooting skills.  It was given to her by a fellow hotdog, too!
Another small church festival right by my in-laws where we walked over one night.
It was a full hotdog of a time...
We enjoyed dinner at Beach's parents afterward!
Which came with Halloween cards...
and decorating cookies.
I would say they enjoyed them!
The main event came and Shiloh made us a healthy snack to go with dinner.
Costumes that were decided on for the night.
And we enjoyed getting to go around to visit our neighbors once again.
The kids always love organizing their loot on the return home!
I love this time of year and so glad to jump into all the fun again!

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