In a lot of ways this month look different than expected. Beach was sick for almost all of it with at least two different rounds of infection. This meant he could work less (or not at all) and was down for the count at home as well. We did have a little family time all together in the front and end of the month, though, as the kids and I battled different things as well. Some fun that was had a long the way, though....
Beach's parents gave the kids gifts of advent this year!
Legos always make Ezra smile!
Donna put together her own advent for the girls!
Tiny treasures and chocolate.
A realtor company sends fliers to the house each year about their Christmas party drop in and the kids always want to go. So this year we stopped by after running some errands.
Decorated some cookies and the kids got some treats...
along with some photos.
While they really didn't want to take a picture with Santa, I pleaded. Santa, also, encouraged me to join them...
We enjoyed a Christmas party with some special people from our church.
It as a great night of reconnecting!
The tradition continues with the drive through nativity scene.

While I may be the one that enjoys it the most, now that the kids are older, we all still go...
Emmanuel is with us!
Shiloh's drama team was part of a school performance night, which was rather interesting. While I mainly just recorded it, this was the only picture I snagged.
One day I was able to witness a beautiful sunrise driving over the dam (no photos of that one) and then in coming out of Costco another amazing masterpiece in the sky!
No filter needed for this beauty!
Zoe was with me for both occasions!
We got to see our adorable nephew Josiah, be dedicated to the Lord.
We had a fabulous work Christmas party, that I was kicking myself for not getting a group picture of at any point.
We ate, played a game, and exchanged our secret Santa items.
I sure do love our team so much!
We had Good Yoga conduct a sound bath one night.
This was a first for me and a very relaxing experience.
Crossroads had a beautiful Christmas party for the ladies.
It was a full house and I got to host this table full of such great friendship.
Spirit week at school and the girls loved being able to change it up from their uniforms. While I didn't take a picture most days, I did snap a couple for the decade day.
My twin....
So much sickness going around and there were many days I was not doing well. However, still making it to the sauna at least 3 days a week to work on my immunity and being as healthy as I can.
The last week before break had some intense homework days, and I found Zoe had fallen asleep in my room one day attempting to study!
Shiloh had her mind set on having a Christmas party (her love language is events, esp. holiday themed ones). She wanted to do it on the last day of school for the year, as she knew some people would be traveling over the break. She bought some party supplies, including a balloon garland. It took some effort (and thankful our Rainbow vacuum also blows air to help with this), but we were able to get them all filled (and then I put it together). It wore my elf out, though!
While I did forget to take a picture of all the kids, as they were mostly outside running around with glow sticks. I did snag some during the break for ice cream sundaes.

While it was Shiloh's party, Ezra was able to invite a friend and Zoe a couple as well.
I think they all had a great time.
The grand Lovelands had the kids over for a candy cane hunt!
First day of Christmas break and it was a nice day to walk with my littlest love.
We headed to the library to stock up on some books and they were having some Christmas activities.
It was a bit chaotic, but Zoe found a cookie to decorate as well.
A well visit with the kids and "muscle tested" each other while they waited.
More Shiloh creations!
Ezra got to have his first sleepover at his buddy Matthew's house!
Shiloh and Ezra decorated a gingerbread house.
Zoe was sick at the time but she did still hang with us to watch.
My boy, also, took a walk with me near dusk and we spotted the moon.
"Take a picture of the path because it is looks so nice."
Beach and Shiloh were able to make it to Christmas Eve service with me.
There would be no family picture this year, as the delayed sickness meant that we were not all well at the same time.
However, Beach and I did get a picture.
The sweetest thing has evolved the past few months with these sisters. Their relationship has really improved (I thinking Zoe having her own space helps with that now).
It is a joy for our home and I get to find cute photos like this on my phone.
After Christmas the girls wanted to try the gingerbread house. You have to do so to realize that it is not good ;-)
Then, of course, there was the Christmas celebration that we had a few hours of the sick symptoms fading for us to celebrate (blog here)!
Saving these silly photos I find on my phone!