Monday, January 20, 2025

The Magic of a Snow Day

 We got surprised by an actually a snow day!  Our town had anticipated such a few times and even closed down schools to prepare for it, but this time it actually happened.
The kids loved getting to share the experience with neighbor friends!
It started in the early evening and the kids wanted to stay out as long as possible.
I wasn't feeling well, so I mostly just enjoyed it from my large bedroom window.
The light dusting continued and the kids went back out after dinner.
Enjoying watching the magic happen.
Even though we had to close the business (which is never a great thing), it was a special time!
The continued cold temps the next day lead to hours more of fun!
Snow Cream with creation?
Very bundled for hours of play...
Snowman building.
We went on a walk with a boogie board that got used as a sled on big hills that still had snow.  I realized that we should have done so in the morning, as much the snow left had already been enjoyed or melted.
But they still had a great time and took towards boarding down the hills.
Silly girls
Snow Angles.
The snowman lasted even into the afternoon.
In that it doesn't seem to happen but every few years, we were so thankful for this magical day!

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