Friday, January 31, 2025

Fresh Starts and Changes (January '25)

 We got struck with sickness for about half the month (it seems to usually be the case with January). There were some fun to be had before that, though, including some gifts of weather (even a snow day). Ezra got to spend some time with his grand Lovelands, and Glenn capture this cool shot when they were out window shopping.
When Ezra came with me to watch his sister cheer on her basketball team, and we were waiting to pick her up.
It was postponed, but we were thankful to get to celebrate Zoe at her cross country banquet, representing as captain.
The team.
Her awesome coaches that we were so thankful to have.
The girls team.
Silly family game night that had so many giggles, brought this one to tears!
Selfies of the month found on my phone...
Long days for this hard working girl.  Occasionally the girls fall asleep doing homework.
Saturdays are often a struggle, as the kids have a couple of chores (and the adults are often cleaning and working as well), and the mindset and speed to get them done is usually very low.  I would really like to try to change this dynamic.  So this Saturday, with finally having some warm sun shining, we went on a family walk.
Zoe wanted to do so on the dam, which is a nice sunny spot, just a little chilly when the wind blows.
We had a great positive time together.
This sister relationship can be so challenging at times, and it is my prayer that their love for one another can grow.
So thankful for our family and a break from the mundane with the beautiful sun!
A break from school for MLK means catching up with appointments.  My mom took Zoe to get her hair done.  She was so thrilled about getting highlights for the first time.  
My friend, Tracie, knocked it out of the park. 
Some before and afters...
Zoe is beautiful regardless, but it was something that she had been really wanting.
My mom, also, got her haircut and they both look so great!
Meanwhile, I was with Shiloh for an orthodontist check in to see if she needed braes. She did and wanted to get going on it right we did!
Here is to a new journey!
Zoe wanted to cheer up her bestie and made her a sweet basket and poster.
Sweet treat after dinner at the in-laws...
Job shadowing day and Zoe went with my sister to her school and LOVED it.  She is so good with kids and it brings her such joy!  Shiloh came to work with us and enjoyed some time at the kiosk.
Many other days filled with rest and prayer as we try to recover...

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