It was another wonderful Florida Christmas....well.....beside those HOURS in the car with a toddler and Beach, Zoe and I all being sick. It was however, a great time to see family, rest and remember the reason for the season.
Beach didn't take anytime to get some rest in!
Walked in to see his funny position for a mid morning nap....he works so hard I'm glad he finally got to rest! Meanwhile some of us got to enjoy the warm outdoors!
We spent Christmas Eve with Mom's side of the family with our awesome host (and bestower of many gifts for Zoe!):

Zoe got to spend some good time with her family and seeing GiGi again (great grandma)!

Danielle and I finally remembered to take a sister pregnancy picture! The bumps are growing!

Christmas day brought yet another feast with Dad's side of the family.
Amazing decor and a time of sharing favorite memories of Christmas past.
Then finally....the little ones was nice that they let their mama's enjoy their meal in peace.

This picture cracks me up! I'm glad Zoe does not normally look like this!
One beautiful day we got to see some manatees. They have an exhibit by a plant in Brandon.
There were tons of them and some came pretty close!
We even got to touch a couple....Zoe was not impressed.

My little
Zo was not feeling well at all and wanted to be held...a just her momma. (She does not seem to care that I was already caring another little one!
Four generations of love right there!
In visiting my cuz with her own son just a couple weeks younger than Zoe, she suggested going by the beach....and so glad she did!!!!

I think my girl loves the beach just as much as I do!

Running without a fence to keep one awesome!

Time to make aunt Lauren run, too!

They also had a park right off the beach that the kids loved....they esp. enjoyed staring at the ground while swinging.
Off to the park for some fun:

Dad didn't want to be outdone.
Gotta love those FL sunsets and winters!

And Zoe holding my hand and not crying that her
Grammy wasn't there.

Aunt Lauren is pretty fun too!

All good things must end, though. Poor Zoe, she just didn't understand why she had to be restrained in a seat for so long and let us know with her crying and screaming (and I thought several times that I could never do this again!) She finally was able to get some rest but the only way that could happen was if momma held her head. With a face like that, how could I not!