"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
Not usually something you ask your husband but it was a real convo we had after I married Beach and he was struggling with what he REALLY wanted to do. In college, as a freshman at 25 years old, he had put school off partly due to the mystery of this question. He did not know, or perhaps he did know and the dream was to far away or unrealistic or scary to verbalize. But I pressed and he finally admitted, owning a coffee house. Wow, that is a big dream, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't work towards that or that I wouldn't support him in anyway that I could. After all, if the creator of the universe wants it to happen, He will make it happen.
In my heart I was thinking this has got to be the scariest thing! Our own business, so much I don't know, so much I have to rely on faith for. Perhaps that's part of the reason God made Beach with such a passion, so stretch our faith and reliance on Him. Part of me says, I don't want to be stretched, even being a missionary in another country does not seem as scary for me, but this....OK Lord.
It has been a long journey, through years and many small steps on the way, towards this dream. Beach worked at and managed a coffee house while in college for a bit. When they went under (due to their location and lack of church funding) we scooped up most of their equipment. It was a large investment on something we knew was not going to happen for awhile but we had scraped by and budgeted and had the money saved up for the "future business."
Beach loves creating latte art! |
Beach, also, did an internship at a local roasters, Turtle Creek, and learned even more about that side of coffee. He enjoyed it and the owner greatly. He also tried working at Starbucks for while but the whole franchise craziness just wasn't his style. He wanted to connect with people, invest in their lives and get to know them for them, not just hand them their cup of joe. The position just wouldn't allow for that.
So he got a "real" job....for awhile.....for a hard while. We are very thankful that the Lord provided it soon after his graduation and right before our daughter was born. But it's just not him, you know when your meant to do something, when it makes you feel alive.....I want that for him, for him to find his place! So the more unhappy he was the more I wanted more, more of life for him.
Then one day on the way to a Dr. visit Beach went a different way there. And what did he see on the way? Well a drive through coffee kiosk for sale of course! Hummmm....he called them up. Come to find out that the man that was trying to sell it passed away a couple of days before. So they were offering it at an even better rate (thousands less than before). And it was soooo much cheaper than a new one would of cost. Well we had saved up more money that the Lord had provided, so we bought it. Then we had another baby girl come along in our life and much morning sickness that put me out of commission for a few months....so he stayed at his job and dreamed some more.
Now we are really putting things in the works and God continues to work out the details. Check out the new logo!
We just filmed a video with the company Fisher Films for a Kickstarter companion that will be beginning at the end of the month. It's hard trusting that anyone can capture your vision and everything just the way you want it. But we are excited about it and hope it goes well.
If you are in town June 1st and want to come to our kickstarter party we would love to see you! You can find more info at : https://www.facebook.com/lovelandcoffee
Don't you want to try some of this greatness!
Pray for us. We hope to open the kiosk in the fall. (And perhaps a true coffee house down the road.)
Spread the word....I would love you to follow the blog to walk along with us, like Loveland Coffee on Facebook, share us as well and tell your friends! Please support our local business and our dream and look out for the video to come soon!