It's been a year since we have gotten to visit my family in Florida. A lot changes over a years time, especially with little ones. So I was glad we finally got to go. We greatly missed daddy but with the business still being pretty new, he had to stay behind. (Get ready for a crazy amount of pics!)
What I dreaded the most, was the car trip... I have horrible memories of past ones with the girls that just seem to be hours of torture. We did have some of that this time but not the full 9 hours worth!

There is a large park across the street from my grandparents retirement community that we enjoy walking too.

Complete with a playground.
I was shocked at Zoe, who is normally really appreciative, show no fear in going down this steep slide.
And with it being past nap time....worn this little out!
Once Shi gets out of the stroller, though, she refuses to get back in.
When the Russells went out for a date that night, I decided to bathe them all together.
I did not know that Addy does not like baths. They did not seem to enjoy this bonding experience.

There is much time for hanging out and reading books.

Shiloh now enjoys reenacting 5 Little Monkeys.

There is much time for hanging out and reading books.

Shiloh now enjoys reenacting 5 Little Monkeys.
Long halls make great running spaces!
We got to go with my cousin Jenny and her beautiful daughter to an amazing water playground.

I was very glad to have helpers!

The girls and the babes.

I think everyone really enjoyed themselves!
I wish we had all this fun in SC (including the cousins)!
My Grammy is a pretty amazing women and she pulled out her harspcorde to play. Zoe enjoyed the show and getting in the action a bit.
We had much down time!

Going out to eat is something we have not done but a couple of times with this little one, as she just doesn't like to sit still.
But the grands wanted to take us out we went.
Gone are the days when I could stay there for hours! But the time we did have was amazing.
Shiloh discovered that she loved to throw the sand (which is what she did almost the entire time).

I love how April (who gets to visit the beach often) looked at her like she was an armature at this beach thing.

How I wish I got to see this cutie more than once a year!
Zoe spent almost the entire time in the water. I was very thankful for Poppy who could oblige her in her whims.
Shi, on the other hand, really wanted nothing to do with the water.
Momma shot.

I think all the girls had a great time!
(Side sister is gorgeous!)
And a "special treat". The Russells scored us some gelato from our amazing find a few years ago.
The place where Zoe discovered sunsets a year ago.

I'm pretty sure my other Grammy's love language is gifts.

And the girls were each blessed with a doll.


Zoe made a new friend!
My Grammy was a good sport in playing a game with us!
Zoe found some morevictims volunteers for endless reading. This kid has an attention span like no other.

More pool time (but watch out for that Lauren and her ball placement).

Zoe and Franky were born about a month apart (but also three states apart).

There was much silliness
and kissing to be had.
A group shot was pretty much impossible.
But Shiloh never minds a picture. So I will take away until she does.
I was so proud of how far she came in a couple days. Shiloh would let me throw her up in the water and loved it. A far cry from holding on to me for dear life!
Nothing better than some loving!

We got to go with my cousin Jenny and her beautiful daughter to an amazing water playground.

I was very glad to have helpers!
Shiloh was a lot more timid then her wild self tends to be and wanted to stick close to us.

The girls and the babes.

I think everyone really enjoyed themselves!
I wish we had all this fun in SC (including the cousins)!
My Grammy is a pretty amazing women and she pulled out her harspcorde to play. Zoe enjoyed the show and getting in the action a bit.
We had much down time!

Going out to eat is something we have not done but a couple of times with this little one, as she just doesn't like to sit still.
But the grands wanted to take us out we went.
And fortunately were able to have a table all by ourselves!
How can you go to Florida without going to the beach!Gone are the days when I could stay there for hours! But the time we did have was amazing.
Shiloh discovered that she loved to throw the sand (which is what she did almost the entire time).

I love how April (who gets to visit the beach often) looked at her like she was an armature at this beach thing.

How I wish I got to see this cutie more than once a year!
Zoe spent almost the entire time in the water. I was very thankful for Poppy who could oblige her in her whims.
Shi, on the other hand, really wanted nothing to do with the water.
Momma shot.

I think all the girls had a great time!
(Side sister is gorgeous!)
There was lots of reading to be done.And a "special treat". The Russells scored us some gelato from our amazing find a few years ago.
The place where Zoe discovered sunsets a year ago.
My grandmother found a journal of school newspaper articles that she had written years ago (1948). I spent a couple of hours trying to picture her life then and got to know her a bit better!
"I Love You Forever" I will always think of my grammy, as this is one of her favorite books. Zoe, also, sings me this song (and often brings tears to my eyes).
Then it was time to visit my dad's side of the family.
Nothing like a great uncle that turns on the giggles!
I'm pretty sure my other Grammy's love language is gifts.

And the girls were each blessed with a doll.

Time with at the Radds always includes much water play.
I was shocked that my wild one clung to me at first!
And spent most of the time on the step.

Zoe made a new friend!
My Grammy was a good sport in playing a game with us!
Zoe found some more
Sometimes I can get them to joke around with me.
More pool time (but watch out for that Lauren and her ball placement).
I'm pretty sure I could eat her up!
More swiming...this time with the second cousins!

Zoe and Franky were born about a month apart (but also three states apart).

There was much silliness
and kissing to be had.
A group shot was pretty much impossible.
But Shiloh never minds a picture. So I will take away until she does.
Nothing better than some loving!

The last night, God provided us with a beautiful rainbow over the lake in the back.
This is what Zoe looks like most of the time I try to take her picture....lip stuck out and all.
Zoe found her rhythm.
I must say trips are so hard (especially without the amazing helpful hubby). Much tears to be had all around. But seeing family is always a treasure. I just wish I had taken more pictures of all my family members. I never know when we will be able to go back, especially with how we keep growing, so I am thankful for the time we do get to spend.
But she sure is a sweetie!
Just one last leg on the journey home.....but it wasn't to bad.Zoe found her rhythm.
I must say trips are so hard (especially without the amazing helpful hubby). Much tears to be had all around. But seeing family is always a treasure. I just wish I had taken more pictures of all my family members. I never know when we will be able to go back, especially with how we keep growing, so I am thankful for the time we do get to spend.
This is beautiful Jessica.....thank you for the memories. Love you!