The fun of April and adjusting to life with three littles to take care of...
It has to include some outdoor time, but then lots of hibernation due to the pollen.
Ezra is learning the ropes from the next in line cousin....time at Grammy's house.
And the Russell's brought us a meal. I don't think it will be to long before Ezra is ready to catch up and join her in play.
Shiloh is such a messy eater! You can't tell as much in the pic....but this girl doesn't care about cleanness at all! Complete opposite of Zoe.
Zoe just adores Ezra and likes showing him her new fancy jewelry.
We made it as a family to a puppet show at the library. It somehow feels major to get us all out of the house and to make it to something on time!
We hit up a garage sale on the way home, where we camped out awhile while daddy scooped up a great deal!
I've always been excited to be able to make things with my children. Now that Zoe is getting older she can do a lot more. So for part of her birthday/date with mom time, I took her to paint pottery for the first time.
Zoe is so careful with things and really takes her time.
She wanted me to paint with her towards the end. Her pink cupcake turned out perfect. An artist in the making!
We toured ambulances and waited FOREVER to get Zoe's face that was the only thing she really wanted.
I finally found a bench that wasn't supper crowded, so I could feed my man. Poor thing, all the heat makes his acne stand out.
I was amazed that Zoe wanted to hug all the costumed characters. She did not seem afraid at all! She even got a hug from my favorite!
However, the worst part was when we went home and tried to put the girls down for a late nap. All the sugar and chocolate got to this handful two year old. After awhile when I heard things from her room, I went to check on her and found this.
She had put many large toys in her bed and taken off her diaper. Her behavior the rest of the day = out of control. Nothing like some crazy chemicals, chocolate, and too little sleep to teach this momma a lesson!
I was amazed that Zoe wanted to hug all the costumed characters. She did not seem afraid at all! She even got a hug from my favorite!
Tried a little hula action. It's so much easier with daddy's help!
This was one was a HUGE mistake....we were in line for the face painting so long that I caved and sent Beach for the free ice cream near by. He came back with four containers....I was just thinking the girls could share some of ours like we usually do for special treats. However, Shiloh lucked up and went to town on her desert. She is my messy one and could care less...this picture does not show all her damage. However, the worst part was when we went home and tried to put the girls down for a late nap. All the sugar and chocolate got to this handful two year old. After awhile when I heard things from her room, I went to check on her and found this.
She had put many large toys in her bed and taken off her diaper. Her behavior the rest of the day = out of control. Nothing like some crazy chemicals, chocolate, and too little sleep to teach this momma a lesson!
The girls have become very interested in whatever we are doing lately and want to join in. It's fun to know that they have interest and to see how this will develop in the future!
And I love Him!

I attempt to squeeze some one on one time with the girls often, to help with the transition of having a third child and just to give them some special attention. It helps me, too, as having all three I often get overwhelmed and annoyed. However, I am reminded of how special they are when we are alone.
Ezra enjoyed the event as well....but isn't quite old enough to hold himself up in grammy's rocker.
One of our community group members graciously offered to host our small group one night. This was such a blessing to me.
We had a great time on their new property including a bonfire and marshmallow roast.

So I got this email from Carrabba's inviting me to a free tasting. I had no idea what this would entail, but if your going to invite me for some free yummyness....I'm in, as dates are far and few between.
The girls have become very interested in whatever we are doing lately and want to join in. It's fun to know that they have interest and to see how this will develop in the future!
And I love Him!

I attempt to squeeze some one on one time with the girls often, to help with the transition of having a third child and just to give them some special attention. It helps me, too, as having all three I often get overwhelmed and annoyed. However, I am reminded of how special they are when we are alone.
It is nothing elaborate but when I go out to get adjusted, Zoe is a great companion. Shiloh loves to talk walks with me (and make silly faces).
Beach does the same, and this little lady got to help with getting supplies for church one day.
It was Poppy's (and Beach's) birthday and the girls made him cards (with the help of aunt Lauren).
The littles loved helping him open his presents.
Pictures of his future Wall of Fame (grandbabies).Ezra enjoyed the event as well....but isn't quite old enough to hold himself up in grammy's rocker.
One of our community group members graciously offered to host our small group one night. This was such a blessing to me.
We had a great time on their new property including a bonfire and marshmallow roast.
So I got this email from Carrabba's inviting me to a free tasting. I had no idea what this would entail, but if your going to invite me for some free yummyness....I'm in, as dates are far and few between.