So December was a month full of mixed feelings. On one hand there was a big piece of me that attempted not to feel sorry for myself and frustrated, as there was always someone in the family that was sick everyday (until right up to Christmas) which prohibited us from doing many things that I would have liked to do. With all the things available, I crave such fun times with the family.
However, I did manage to squeeze some festive times with the littles, like working on this school project with Zoe that she truly enjoyed...Dressing up her gingerbread girl.
We were also able to make it to a drive through nativity scene (can't spread germs that way). Shiloh exclaimed, "It is just like Super Book (her Bible cartoon) with John the baptist!" Although Zoe burst into tears upon reaching the end, as she was not able to see Jesus from where she was sitting.
How I managed to do an activity and advent lesson almost everyday last December with Zoe is beyond me now!
I did cherish the quiet moments that I had in preparing my own heart for advent.
I did cherish the quiet moments that I had in preparing my own heart for advent.
Most of our littles (Zoe was at dance class).
Speaking of dance....Zoe adores it now. She was so excited for us to come and see her little "show", basically some of the things that she had been doing in her class.
She is such a great listener and her "I want to do the right thing" really shone through.
Her teacher is beautiful and looks just how you would picture a ballerina.
Daddy was pretty proud! There were no pictures with mommy, as this was the day that I was really sick BUT I was not about to miss her show!
She was very happy that Grammy could come. Grammy was a big reason why she could go to dance this year, as she took her each week for me. I was not able to do so with my work schedule and then having to nurse Ezra when I got home.

Zoe was under the impression that everyone got roses after you dance and was very sad that she was not given any. I could barely hold myself up, much let get a flower.

But on the way home we stopped by the store and Zo was able to pick out her own. She was ecstatic. Although later she did ask why most people had there's before the show and she got hers after. Ha!
What! There is sun out there! I need to be in it and soak up the Vitamin D....this little friend joined me when I was reading up on our new Christmas gift.
Zoe's dance class preformed for the Lowmen Home one Tuesday night.
I was a little nervous about it, as Zoe can be really candid and just not talk to others that she doesn't like. However, she did well in her dance and handing out the Christmas cards that she made for the residents afterwards.
Shiloh had a hard time with me taking Zoe to dance that night, as she had wanted to go, too. When I got home I found that she had dressed up on her own.
I love when they love each other!
I was able to make it to my (last) Christmas work party. I work with some very special ladies!
I will greatly miss seeing these amazing ladies on a regular basis!
I'm pretty sure we were the only ones that didn't regularly go there, but they were very friendly and welcoming.
It was a blessing to our family and we learned that Zoe just LOVES grits!
The time is coming to an end when my sister will watch my littles.
The time is coming to an end when my sister will watch my littles.
So I have enjoyed seeing how she has captured some of their last play dates!
She found a way to make both the the babes happy....having Lydia feed Ezra.
She is amazing in being able to handle four littles...especially babies!
Some of our dear friends had their third precious child that I got to visit when I was finally well enough to do so (I didn't want to share my germs)!
Ezra was clearly very excited to meet Emma as well! Always enjoy introducing potential future suitors.
For real we had a great visit....Ez just didn't understand why he wasn't the only cute baby around.
I mean!!!! I could hold this love all day!
So technically in was New Years day when we celebrated Christmas with my family.
This is true of their personalities!
We haven't figured out how to make things less that even possible?

It was a very blessed Christmas....
I love you!!!!