Another full month - trying to cherish all the moments!
May means Mom's birthday!

I cannot remember what was going on in this pic....besides me being crazy. I do believe we are waiting for the yummy dessert!
I took the kids to SoarFest, held at the church Beach and I spent so many years attending (and working). It was fun seeing old friends and reminiscing about our young lives there.

May means Mom's birthday!
I cannot remember what was going on in this pic....besides me being crazy. I do believe we are waiting for the yummy dessert!
Love this!
My boy and his trucks of all sizes!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I took the kids to SoarFest, held at the church Beach and I spent so many years attending (and working). It was fun seeing old friends and reminiscing about our young lives there.

Beach introduced his Loveland Coffee including the Nitro on tap.
Thankfully Ezra cooperated with me and kept a hat on, so as not to burn his bald head!
Mother's day, a time to honor the one that has taken care of my heart and soul in such a powerful amazing way. How we adore this woman and her Godly example!
We had a girl's night where we took her to Good Life Cafe, a raw food restaurant on Main....amazing and you need to try it! We are all crazy in that we ordered 4 different dishes and all shared!
They have a sweet little ice cream shop across the street which we had a taste. It provided a great spot for me to make crazy faces!
We then headed to mom's house where we pampered her with a pedicure, hand massage, and lots of great (uninterrupted) girl time!
Zoe had been dreaming of her recital all year, telling strangers how she was going to dance on a stage before she had even started classes and the day finally came!
I love how their program, SCCDT, allows the option of the littles to just perform a special performance (in which they are on a "real stage" and don't have to pay for a costume).

Zoe did a great job, as I knew she would, for she always wants to make sure she is doing the right thing!

Fortunately we had family there and Danielle helped with Shiloh when she got too squammy.....capturing this adorable picture too!
Zoe was pretty wiped at the end of the show....not wanting to pose for pictures.

But did love the little trophy they gave her.
Zoe had been dreaming of her recital all year, telling strangers how she was going to dance on a stage before she had even started classes and the day finally came!

Zoe did a great job, as I knew she would, for she always wants to make sure she is doing the right thing!

Fortunately we had family there and Danielle helped with Shiloh when she got too squammy.....capturing this adorable picture too!
Zoe was pretty wiped at the end of the show....not wanting to pose for pictures.

But did love the little trophy they gave her.
And she still wanted to give her cousins some love!
Ezra has now discovered climbing and does so whenever he can, including on the kitchen island when he eats his snack. However then he fusses, as he can't get down.

He gets excited to keep up more with his sisters...
Who are as silly as ever and still enjoy dress-up!
So I have always said, "I don't cook," BUT I'm trying to erase those words from my vocab. Since ceasing working I have experimented a lot in the kitchen, including this yummy Buddha Bowl!
One of the fun perks of Poppy's retirement is his love for taking care of his yard and growing a garden!
The grandkids like to "help out" whenever they visit and can!
I LOVED being able to chaperone with Zoe's class for a couple of trips this year!

How cute are these little BFF's!

How cute are these little BFF's!
It's so fun getting to know other parents, teachers, children in her class and different dynamics. Hoping this is something I can continue to do in the future!
Nice day = outdoor play
Beach told the girls one night when they were sad that we would go "camping" in the living room the following night. We (meaning him) whipped out the tent we bought over eight years ago in anticipating being able to hold our whole family. (Yes, sad that this was the first time actually using it!) It was huge! We played and watched a movie in there....but sleeping with everyone is something that may have to wait a little while (at least for little Ez!).
It's always fun to have cousins at the zoo for member's night.
It was much less crowded than it had been during the day lately and the weather was awesome! Which was short...but I was proud of her for trying.
Zoe had her first attempt at climbing the "wall".

We cramed into the train.....several times.

We cramed into the train.....several times.

Ez, also, had his first real carousel ride (or four), which he really enjoyed!

Waiting on the carousel means lots of time for pictures.

The last time around Zoe insisted on getting the which she took this position and I realized that she was just really tired.
So it's no wonder that she ended up like this on the way home!
Zoe and I had a little date to watch a good friend's daughter's ballet.
She, also, had her friend there, too, which clearly she dearly loves (I wonder where she gets such intensity from ;-)
Zoe was so excited to meet the real life ballerina after the show!
It was a long long day/weekend, though, and it caught up with Zoe in the car (again).
The past couple of years we have gone strawberry picking a little earlier in the year but this time we managed to hit it at the end of the season.
The past couple of years we have gone strawberry picking a little earlier in the year but this time we managed to hit it at the end of the season.
Picking was a bit more difficult...but Ezra didn't know any different.
I love how he still walks as if he has just been on a horse for hours.
Shiloh did not do so much picking as much attempt to eat her weight in strawberries.
My little farmer!
This task could in no way be accomplished without some amazing helpers!
With much of our strawberries quickly frozen (for smoothies) and was not long before I was ready for more!
Oh, well....see you next year! (And hopefully earlier in the season!)
There as so many things to do around the house....and very little margin....but we managed to squeeze out a bit of time for this little project....And it made a huge difference.

It was still a bit chilly, so Ezra wasn't a huge fan and lost his wet swim trunks.
One of his favorite things...pushing around and riding in a wagon.
There as so many things to do around the house....and very little margin....but we managed to squeeze out a bit of time for this little project....And it made a huge difference.

It was still a bit chilly, so Ezra wasn't a huge fan and lost his wet swim trunks.
One of his favorite things...pushing around and riding in a wagon.
For Beach and I, the 28th was our 10 year anniversary. For such I planned a weekend away months ago (a HUGE deal for this still nursing momma). However, business unexpectedly prevented this (we will try again next month). I have to admit I was not a happy camper over this but it turned out to be the best...and of course God knew that to be the the fridge went out at work and Beach spent much of the weekend fixing it.
BUT we were able to go out for a date night to grab some sushi and walk briefly around in the store with my one and only Beach!
The girls were excited to go to Zoe's best friend's birthday party...
and all the more in that it was frozen themed!

I was just bummed that I didn't have more space on my phone for more pictures! Now if we can just get our computer finally really fixed this momma will be happy!