Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Shiloh's rebirth day

When are you old enough to truly understand the gospel.  I suppose it depends and the real answer God only knows.  However, I have seen how my girls hearts have softened to His spirit.  For months now when Shiloh sees a cross, she will explain, "Jesus died on the cross because He loves me!" Oh, yes my dear.  I will often hear her tell me that Jesus will help me when I need Him, and I know this truth is hidden in her heart.  Many nights her story request would be "Sad Jesus", and I would retell the beautiful picture of the gospel to my girls and my own heart.
We don't get a ton of quiet moments in the mornings but today was special.  Big sister had gone off to school and I had made a quick morning smoothie for us.  Instead of becoming busy with the tasks ahead of me (as my nature), I decided to sit down with her in the quiet moment, as brother must be sleeping in for a couple of more minutes.  

Such a sweet time.  Shiloh asked about Heaven and where Jesus lives.  We were able to talk without the constant interruptions that her siblings often bring and her mind was focused in the moment.  It amazes me, what she can understand at three.  I suppose because of her quieter nature (in regards to discussion and sister often talking), I don't always know what is going on in her mind.  But she tracked along in our discussion.  She agreed that she was a sinner (yes, she did not respect other's personal space and did not listen to her mom and dad) but she wanted to be better.  Shiloh grasped the concept of Jesus dying as a punishment for her sins and wanted her live her life for him and to make Him happy.  She prayed after me and seemed content.  To the best that her little mind and heart could understand, she was totally sincere.  She was later able to tell her daddy during dinner without me repeating such to her, so I knew it had sunk in. 
I want this more than ANYTHING for my children.  How I pray that her love and her understanding of HIS love for her grows even deeper as time goes on.  How I pray that she does not stray from the truth of His Word and KNOWS her identity in Him even at a young age.  I love my Shiloh (Peace) so much and celebrate on this day along with a choir of angles!

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