Oh Spring month....how excited I am that you are always here each year!!
Zoe got her first hair cut....or trim really. She was pretty excited, in hopes that it would grow longer faster. Poor girl has the hardest time with this!
The Birthday celebrations of the month...and besides Shiloh's actually birthday, we had a few gifts at my mom's house.
Princess and all things girlie and you can't go wrong with this one!
Special Aunt D is also celebrated....we love to give oils!
For this brunch occasion an amazing desert, complete with chocolate!
Shiloh was pretty excited to get her birthday package from the grands, too!!
Shiloh was pretty excited to get her birthday package from the grands, too!!
Zoe got to attend a classmates birthday....1st time at HiWire and she had a blast!
At one point she just wanted to sit and chill.
Mom and Dad helped us make our first resurrection garden.

They all loved getting into the action.

Of course our yard had many rocks for the large stone for the tomb.
Mom and Dad helped us make our first resurrection garden.
They all loved getting into the action.
Of course our yard had many rocks for the large stone for the tomb.
Such a blessed time!
The kids had a blast at a friend's Easter brunch.
The two littlest needed the extra practice. Ezra had to have a lot of coaching to get going.
Shiloh was easily distracted, only scooping up three.
Zoe managed to get her fair share.
Zoe was beyond excited to see a friend from school!
Each Monday this month we have gone to a friends and made jar salads for the week....it has been amazing!
The kiddos tag along and enjoy tray dinners and play!
The kiddos tag along and enjoy tray dinners and play!
Craft time with my Shiloh!
Library fun....dinosaur month!
Career day at school....Zoe's choice...a cashier, at Publix...she declined wanting to be one at Loveland Coffee!
Career day at school....Zoe's choice...a cashier, at Publix...she declined wanting to be one at Loveland Coffee!
How precious these littles are!
I'm trying to squeeze in little bonding times...
Ummm...have I ever declared my love for parachutes?
This year Grammy and Poppy were able to join me and the littles for an egg hunt in the park.
Beach was busy making coffee for everyone, so I was glad to have backup!
I did not include all the pictures in the series that I attempted which was completely with Shiloh making very creative different faces each time!

Huge shout out to Danielle for co-oping a couple days this month and watching my littles!
She takes the best pictures! Love how they all wanted to be together to color! Shiloh is so into coloring it's hard to get her to stop to do other things (like take a picture)!
A non-crazy trip to the dentist was a miracle....brought to you by TV in their office, serenity defusing on my necklace and the grace of God.
Shiloh spends most of her free time these days creating works of art.....even if we are outside!
It truly is her happy place!
We found a yummy recipe on pininterest that we prepped for Zoe's birthday...
How precious these littles are!
I'm trying to squeeze in little bonding times...
Like when Zoe asks to go to a park after school while I was running errands...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ummm...have I ever declared my love for parachutes?
All the kindergartners at Zoe's school got to egg hunt at the same time and I got to watch!
It was actually so smart....each child had to find a numbered egg 1 to 6.
Zoe's teachers are THE BEST!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Beach was busy making coffee for everyone, so I was glad to have backup!
I did not include all the pictures in the series that I attempted which was completely with Shiloh making very creative different faces each time!
Ezra was tired and not in to it again...this time quiting when there were many eggs left!
Shiloh enjoyed herself more and was able to scoop up a few!
Zoe (who still runs with her tongue out on occasion) was excited!
I say it was a success! Complete with sharing candy with others when we were through!
Afterwords we colored and dyed eggs together.
The "no mess" was a laughable joke!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Huge shout out to Danielle for co-oping a couple days this month and watching my littles!
She takes the best pictures! Love how they all wanted to be together to color! Shiloh is so into coloring it's hard to get her to stop to do other things (like take a picture)!
A non-crazy trip to the dentist was a miracle....brought to you by TV in their office, serenity defusing on my necklace and the grace of God.
Shiloh spends most of her free time these days creating works of art.....even if we are outside!
It truly is her happy place!
Zoe will often join in on the action!
Spring break means extra fun with hours at the park with friends
and taking a break to watch the big boys play their game!
Later we had a special treat in having Aunt Lauren visit!
Including a mini paint session outside!
And the girls always examining the creates that come around!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~We found a yummy recipe on pininterest that we prepped for Zoe's birthday...
Frozen bananas with Almond butter and chelate! It was a mess of a good time making them!
How I wish I could spend all day soaking up this weather and the kids giggles...so thankful to live in such a beautiful place!