Wednesday, July 4, 2018


I'm not going to lie, the days leading up to the fourth of July were pretty rough (not sure if it was coming off the vaca with my love or my "regular issues") and I kept pretty low key.  So we did very little things that still made the day special for the kiddos.
Shiloh was intent on coloring in all the letters on our driveway and both the girls made many "decorations" for the day.
Then they had a "firework" show for Beach and me.  It was complete with lighted sticks Zoe threw in the air while Shiloh created loud booming sounds.  I thought it was pretty creative of them and they were pretty proud of themselves.
Later, we enjoyed a cook out at my parents....aren't they great!
Despite the heat we still decided to make a fire and by evening time it wasn't to bad!
The kids also enjoyed playing outside...
and bubbles of course!
I managed to take one picture of proof I was there!
Glow wand fun!
It got even more exciting when the grass underneath the pit caught on fire!  But Beach was on the lookout and fast to react to save us all.
What's a fire without S'mores right (at least I know some littles that would agree)!
While we didn't have any fireworks, we did have some really big fun sparklers!
Ezra was to scared to partake, although Poppy tried.
So he just enjoyed it himself.
Shiloh wasn't so sure about it herself...
But did end up enjoying them!
Even Grammy got into the action...
and she couldn't help throwing in some teaching with it!
Zoe, by far, enjoyed them the most and wanted to do as many as she little light of mine!
Thankful for such a low key day to celebrate with family our blessed freedom!

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