Friday, August 12, 2022

Ezra 2nd

Ezra had a great year in 2nd grade. Thankful for some teacher pictures, as we were still not able to volunteer in the school for most of the year.
While we didn't get school photos this round....I had to include the proof of this sweet smile!

Thankful that Ezra enjoys reading!
For Halloween, they decorated their pumpkins with book characters.
They were, also, allowed to dress up as a book character themselves, and Ezra a chose a runner.
His award from Run Hard for "bee"ing tough!
Ezra's balloon for the school's Macy Day Parade.
Ezra has been taking art lessons down the street and comes home with some fun creations!
Ezra won the character award one month for self-control at school. We love our principal.
Disney Day at school!
Another themed day of the Donut Shoppe.
"My list poem.  Ice cream is the best.  Looks like poop.  Taste goodness.  Feels Wonder.  Smells like food. Makes me happy."
"My Cinquain Poem. Snakes, smart, small, creeping, eating, rattling, snakes are cool, reptiles. by Ezra."
"My Haiku Poem.  Lemonade.  Lemonade is weird.  I do not like lemonade.  It is sour. by Ezra."
"My list poem.  Loveland Coffee.  My Dad. Zoe. Me. Shiloh. My Mom."
"My Bio Poem.  Ezra. I love food.  I like wheels  My favorite is green. I am fast. I am 7. I love my teacher. Loveland."
And some more fun things he made in art...
Market day at school and Ezra made some pet rocks (with some help from his sister).
Ezra's class award this year!
Despite the rough start with seven quarantines Ezra had in the beginning/middle of the year, it truly has been fantastic overall. 
So sad to see it end but thankful for all the learning and memories he has made!

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