As much as I was looking forward to a break and getting to see Beach's family in MI, my anxiety also began to rise for such an adventure. Zoe's first flight, sleeping in a new place, having to share a room with her, the comforts of home no where to be around....what more did the trip have in store for us.
I prepared as much as I could for the airplane ride, drinks for the ears through straws (thanks mom - somehow the liquid made it through security), new toys from the dollar store, her favorite books and some videos downloaded on Daddy's phone. Tried to plan everything as much as I could, what I didn't expect was that her nap before the plane ride would only last about 20 minutes (instead of her normal three hours), so this tired kid was extra wound by the time we got on the plane. Up and down and all around, waving her little hand in the face of the people behind us (okay perhaps she did get something from Beach - his outgoing nature).
I was so ready once we got off the flight (even more ready on the ride home!). For some reason at the MI airport, Zoe saw something that reminded her of her favorite South Carolina team and she kept yelling, "Cock!" I would try to say behind her that I didn't see any GAMEcocks around (knowing that this MI crowd may not be as familiar with our mascot).
She loved walking the terminal, which had to be well over a mile and seeing Grandpa again was a hit. So was the next day (despite the cold temps), heading to the apple orchard, complete with playground was awesome!

Cool slide with daddy and grandpa...mommy sat out on this one!
What a great idea....a barn full of corn kernels for the kids to play with...that is until all the dust flew around!

Of course much pumpkins....including my cutest of them all!

Make that two cutest of them all!
Hot apple cider and pumpkin donuts...what a treat! (I may or may not have only let her hold this for the picture :-)
I'm this fun to go back in later years for another shot from here!

More on the MI adventure to come....
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