Continued documentations of picture worthy activities!
Christmas day was a bit different for us.

We didn't bring any presents (and I sadly forgot most of the girls stocking items) so we enjoyed a Christmas breakfast and lunch together and a short Christmas cartoon.

We managed to fit all of us around one large table.
Later, we had a very comical reenactment of the naivety scene as well.
Zoe was very excited to take some pictures with my cousins, so much so that it was hard for me to get her to be somewhat normal.

It's been awhile since we have had a good family picture.... and probably the last as a family of four!

How I do love this man!
And my amazing family.

What a blessing to have my family so invested in my life!

The original Hughes clan with our littles.
The precious Russell family.
It is always a special treat to have aunt Lauren around!

I can't believe we will have a boy in our midst very shortly.

And Beach got some fun candid shots as well.

Afterwards the girls enjoyed running in the sun for a bit!

Christmas day was a bit different for us.

We didn't bring any presents (and I sadly forgot most of the girls stocking items) so we enjoyed a Christmas breakfast and lunch together and a short Christmas cartoon.

We managed to fit all of us around one large table.
Later, we had a very comical reenactment of the naivety scene as well.
Zoe was very excited to take some pictures with my cousins, so much so that it was hard for me to get her to be somewhat normal.
The Radds are one good looking family!

Beach had a great idea of taking some family photos in a field nearby. Thankful that we have such a skilled brother-in-law to capture the goodness.

It's been awhile since we have had a good family picture.... and probably the last as a family of four!

How I do love this man!
And my amazing family.

What a blessing to have my family so invested in my life!

The original Hughes clan with our littles.
The precious Russell family.
It is always a special treat to have aunt Lauren around!

I can't believe we will have a boy in our midst very shortly.

And Beach got some fun candid shots as well.

Afterwards the girls enjoyed running in the sun for a bit!

More time at the house to relax.

Our last day we went to Montreat's campus and spent some time walking around the lake and on the playground.

I was not feeling well so took little pictures.
I cannot tell you how much Zoe hates jackets! She insisted on playing in just her thin shirt in 40 degree weather until right before we left (a couple of hours later) when she just could not stand it anymore!
My dad was really into boiling peanuts the whole week. Mostly everyone enjoyed them, even my girls!
These are the memories that I want to remember and cherish. What I pray will fade away is my heartache, the battle with depression and being out of routine, the hours of crying intensified by my hormonal self, a super uncomfortable bed that left my back hurting, not being able to console my daughter and fear of how I will be able to handle another child, and my struggle with fairness and selfishness.
Instead I want to focus on the smiles that were had, on the support of my family, on having two beautiful girls, on being able to get away (esp. with Beach), of the ability of having alternative medicines that actually help instead of causing other side effects, and most of all of a Savior who became flesh in a vulnerable babe all because He loves me and wants to be more intimate with me! May I never forget these things and cling to what truly matters!
Dear Jessica, Your writing is always moving and gets me right in the heart. Your memories and pictures are great. But the biggest blessing comes from reading the last two paragraphs. We did have many smiles and special memories and yet I know that it was so hard for you. How I marvel and then praise God at the work He has done and continues to do in your heart. I love you so much....I am so blessed to be your Mom and I thank God for that special blessing, allowing me to be a part of your life. Thank you for letting me do life with you - you teach and challenge me. I love you!