I do so enjoy this time of year. Holidays and traditions. Breaks from work and time with family. Here are the odds and ends of December!
The past couple of months Shiloh has wanted to be held a lot more, more so only if we are standing. For this big preggo, this presents to be a problem, as already so much of my weight is in front. Daddy, though, has skills and can cook while doing so...
even a batch of his homemade pancakes. Have I mentioned how amazing this man is!
Decorating was fun, overall, and the kids were able to help out a bit too!
Or at least get in on the action! Shiloh loves the Gamecock ornament (well anything Gamecock that is).
So I realized I have a ton of ornaments for when Zo was a baby, the first born privilege. So this year I got one for Shi, too, just a little late.
Our midwife visits continue to go well. I can't even begin to express how much easier, helpful and more enjoyable they are than going to a doctor's office, especially with the kids.
Our midwife visits continue to go well. I can't even begin to express how much easier, helpful and more enjoyable they are than going to a doctor's office, especially with the kids.
Our midwife, Jamie, stays for about an hour and talks about any questions/needs I may have. This is HUGE in comparison to the OB I saw for the other girls, those visits were more like wait an hour to see the Dr. no more than 10 minutes!
She allows the girls to join in and they often get their doctor kit out to do so as well. I love that they can see this other side of care and be a part of the process.
Ezra, you sound amazing! Even if you do have a fast heartbeat for a boy, as my midwife reports.
Irmo had a holiday market where Loveland Coffee was a vendor.
Irmo had a holiday market where Loveland Coffee was a vendor.
This was a first for us, so we started pretty low key and it was a good learning experience! We hope to do more in the future!
We had fun at the Russell's Christmas party...
and we all enjoy another time to see baby Lydia.
Zoe sure does love her Poppy! She had been looking forward to going on a date with Grammy to the ballet. She loves to dance and I knew she would enjoy it. I wasn't able to go, as I needed to take care of Shiloh and Beach who were not feeling that well. When mom got sick, too, Poppy stepped in to take her. She couldn't be more thrilled!
This month has brought up a lot of sickness to our household. With Beach working so much, he has had little time to rest. Which resulted in us having to cancel our small group Christmas party at the last minute. He was on his knees just shaking from whatever type of sickness....not a good way to start a party. I HATE backing out of things, especially in the last minute, but some things cannot be helped!
Zoe was pretty bummed, too, much tears involved.
The next day I took the girls to a show at the library. We got there just when it started, which meant this big preggo sitting on the floor with her littles. They would have it no other way, of corse.
It was actually really cute and entertaining for us all! So glad to get to spend special moments with them. Just hopping dad would get better soon!
I'm so blessed to be reading this book throughout Advent. Voskamp has an amazing anointing with words that really brings the focus to what is important.

This is a book I would highly recommend and will add it to my December reading every year. I must say that I was not able to complete it by the big Christmas day...but continued all the same until I did.
The Saturday after our mountain trip we had our own little family Christmas.

Complete with coffee (steamed milk) and pancakes.

Zoe really got into the opening gifts idea this year!

Beach got a couple of things that he really liked!
My little princess enjoyed her dress up items the most!
I would say somebody was a happy girl.

I was glad to finally get the last of the leaves up.....bags for days!
I love being able to create but the inspiration/time/talent has been very lacking the past few years. However, I wanted to make my mom and sister something and felt that the Lord laid this on my heart. In Voskamp's book, One Thousand Gifts, she speaks a lot of "Eucharisteo". And it has stuck with me. Both my mother and sister have read her work as well, so I knew they could appreciate this and how thanksgiving always precedes the miracle. I so enjoyed making it as it was therapeutic to my soul as well.
We got together with my side of the family the Sunday after Christmas to do our gift exchange.
Beach modeled in front of all the gifts and Shiloh joined in, too. I was really bad in these are the only type of holiday "in front of the tree pictures" that I took this year! What!
The girls were cute, though, but a bit wound out that night!
I got to wear my new momma bird necklace, with three eggs, for the first time.
Gift opening was a bit of craziness...alright a lot of craziness.And a lot for this full momma to handle.
There were many handmade treasures given!
And happy smiles for new toys and princess PJ's.
The last day of the year and Zoe actually requested a picture with her sister in their matching new crocs.
They are such goofballs and I couldn't help but include this picture....Zoe has the habit of crossing her eyes when I go to take her picture. I have no idea why or if she even truly knows what she is doing, but it makes me laugh at her crazy self!

My sister came over and we braved the cold weather for a walk. After seeing how much weight I gained in my last prenatal appointment, it gave me some motivation. However, I then had intense contractions the rest of the night, and if I didn't know better would say that my 29 week self was going into labor.
But this was remedied by my midwife's suggestion of laying down and drinking a half cup a wine....nice coincidence with the new year's celebration!
Here's to one amazing crazy year....and just about to get even crazier in 2014!
It cracks me up that Shiloh likes the Gamecocks already- so fitting! I love hearing what goes on in your head! Thank you for such a precious gift. I love my family:)