A hot month full of love!
Beach watched the crew on one of my first days back at work AND he took them all grocery shopping!!! He is one brave man! Luckily the cart had space for all three of them.
They must have been so good that they got "coffee" afterwards.
Danielle got to have the cousins together and made some cute photo colleagues.....I hope they are always the best of friends!
Did somebody say blueberries!
How fun is this for a birthday! I had never heard of the place but we all really enjoyed it!
Zoe loves Savannah, the beautiful birthday girl, so she was very excited about this whole process!
There was a hay ride.
And petting area!
A beautiful pond gave a great backdrop that I attempted to get some sisterly love,
Attempted being the key word here...clearly Zoe did not agree with this idea.
Side note....This girl wears dresses everyday. She may be the first one to wear a white colored dress to an outdoor adventure party...I just try to roll with her wishes most of the time.
Getting a great picture of all three together....not happening.
So I just took one with Ez.
Even though I'm back at work....I still try to squeeze in some playdates! For the kids sanity and mine!
So it was daddy-daughter date night at Chick-fil-a.
They had their places marked.
Which included face painting...
And a limo ride!

Zoe was just slightly excited about this event.
Even though I'm not a fan of the quality of their food (or lack there of), sometimes exceptions can be made to capture such fun and create memories.

Which included face painting...
And a limo ride!

Zoe had some friends come as well!
Free dessert....this kid has clearly never eaten an ice cream cone and turned it on its side and took a large bite out of it.Zoe was just slightly excited about this event.
Even though I'm not a fan of the quality of their food (or lack there of), sometimes exceptions can be made to capture such fun and create memories.
So when I fed my niece, Lydia, this was her sign that she was done eating....she moved on to sucking her toe...silly girl!
Yep, high classing it with our swimming pool. The girls actually really love it, and then Beach and I can do a little yard work.
Yep, high classing it with our swimming pool. The girls actually really love it, and then Beach and I can do a little yard work.
I love these three and glad that sharing momma isn't too difficult most of the time.
Zoe was so excited for zoo members night, she kept asking for weeks about it.
We saw Adalyn there and tagged along with them.
Zoe had a love/scared relationship with feeding the giraffe. She repeatedly would feed him and back away in a terror laugh.
We saw Adalyn there and tagged along with them.
Zoe had a love/scared relationship with feeding the giraffe. She repeatedly would feed him and back away in a terror laugh.

But Shiloh really enjoyed the smaller animal.
The all time favorite, though, was the carousel. We don't normally ride because of the price, but Zoe was ecstatic that she could go numerous times free on members night!