My heart overflows, overflows with thankfulness. I realized that I had a lot of anxiety around this combined birthday party that I decided to do for all the kids. I was on a good track, preparing and planning early with what I could do, so that it would not be much of a stress issue and something we could all just enjoy.

However, then things happened that I had NO CONTROL over, and yes there is that control issue raving it's head again. The main problem was that the stomach bug hit our house AGAIN! I thought we had already been there and didn't need to worry about it! But bam.....just like that it took my man down, and the kids along with him. NOOOOO....this could not be happening.
I had begun preparing weeks in advice getting what I could ready. Mainly just because I didn't have any big chunks of time, so a little here and there felt like a great pace. PLUS I really wanted the girls to participate in the planning and prep. Just as part of the beauty in art is the process of making it, that's the approach that I took.
Instead of just buying everything and going somewhere (which I'm totally not knocking and may do some years); I wanted to enjoy making things with my girls, instilling a mentality that they could help out and it would be fun! They helped in planning things that we saw online, making the decorations and party favors. Only by having a lot of time in advance could this happen, as we didn't need to worry about getting things done quickly (which just adds to mommy frustrations).
Making the Snowdough was really fun together and we ended up making extra batches! They got to play a little with it once it was made and helped package it all up!
I was excited about how well they turned out! Hoping many little hands would enjoy the results!
However, then things happened that I had NO CONTROL over, and yes there is that control issue raving it's head again. The main problem was that the stomach bug hit our house AGAIN! I thought we had already been there and didn't need to worry about it! But bam.....just like that it took my man down, and the kids along with him. NOOOOO....this could not be happening.
There was not much I could do but just apply my essential oils and pray for a quick recovery. There really wasn't a day to reschedule and I had done so much to prepare for it, I didn't want to have to cancel all together.
But the morning came and everyone seemed to be doing well! It looked like it was going to be really overcast, but hey, no rain and a decent temperature, so I would take it!!! Then it hit me how much I had to actually still do to get ready....Yikes! Scramble mod in full gear. I'm completely aware that I can turn to freak out mod fast in this type of I attempted to keep it reeled in. Fortunately I had many many helpers to help get it all set up, (Beach, my mom, dad, Lauren and William really helped me out and were great at taking instruction) and set up we did till the last second.

I was thankful that so many friends were able to come! Such a busy time of year and it was great to be able to fill up the yard with so many smiles!

The Frozen snow and figurines were a big hit!

My sister, Danielle, was a blessing in being able to take the following pictures for me (what a nice thing to not have to worry about!). I love her view and am thankful for these treasures yet again!

Frozen Epsom salt with glitter, led to great texture play....and bonus it is reusable for more play in the future!

I tried to have a variety of activities to keep the many hands busy!

I volunteered Lauren to paint faces....hey she is an artist after all!

Daddy is a good sport!
Ezra found a new friend! This baby lover has the magic touch!

Isn't pininterest amazing? Although a bit overwhelming, you can find the best ideas! Most of them were super bad for you, and even though it was a party, I still wanted to keep it on the healthier side.

Some of the yummy spread!

Zoe was so excited her best friend, Star, could come!

Pin the carrot on Olaf seemed to go well!

Then it was cupcake and smash cake time!

Despite having big sisters around, Ezra still hadn't had any sugar.
However, he LOVED eating/playing in his natural sugar carrot cake!

Good friends and special treats!

So after the party and excitement - that is when I remembered to attempt a group birthday picture!

That is after Ezra had completely caked up his shirt (hence no longer wearing it)!
There was little to get them excited about at that point.
But try we did and had many outtakes!
Then all the Hughes cousin's got a special gift from William (we waited until later that night to do the rest of the gifts - more peace that way!)

Thanks so much William - and everyone who blessed us in coming up to celebrate! May be the best birthday(s) yet!
Best Birthday Party ever!!! Thank you for letting me be a part of it!!!