Mr. and Mrs. Lovelands' visit always brings a lot of fun, excitement and dresses!
We loved that Donald was here this time, too!
Donna finds the best deals and knows the way to my girls heart!
They usually come out upon first arrival as neither party can stand to wait!
The boys just sit back and watch....what a great Grandpa!
A wonderful church in the area holds a community egg hunt and this year we had great weather. Beach provided some Loveland coffee for all!
While waiting for the hunt to begin, Shiloh found another use for her hat! She takes after her a child I was often called "Bucket head" for my favorite accessory.
It was the typical tons of people, kids look in an open field hunt :-)
The girls seemed to enjoy it!
Ezra was still a bit too young, so he hung out a lot!
I did not have the best timing for a group shot - but I think it is accurate of life, though!
This is the funniest picture of Ezra.....caught mid sneeze in case you're wondering what type of face that is!
Ok....lets try that again.
Shiloh was so funny. She is obsessed with candy BUT after opening all her eggs, Shiloh wanted to pass out all of her candy (except the one piece her mother let her eat) to anybody around. Of course everybody gave me odd looks for this, I mean who does that? But I thought it was sweet of her and a great way to get rid of the sugar but still have all the fun!
We got our hammock hung...thanks to my fabulous father-in-law! (This was an awesome steal from a yard sell forever ago.)
It would not be a true visit from Grandma if she didn't whip up some of her speciality huge cookies....complete with licking helpers!
We got our hammock hung...thanks to my fabulous father-in-law! (This was an awesome steal from a yard sell forever ago.)
It would not be a true visit from Grandma if she didn't whip up some of her speciality huge cookies....complete with licking helpers!
So we do not have the Easter Bunny at our house but we do have Bunny Donna...who always makes the day special.

There is some intense love around here!

There is some intense love around here!

Dad reading a his birthday card and having some assistance with opening his gift.
What's up doc!

We all had fun coloring Easter Eggs.
Such focus!

This one couldn't stand not snacking on one though!
Such focus!
One of the few times they get to color on something besides paper!

This one couldn't stand not snacking on one though!
Then a bit later we continued our tradition (one of my favs!) of making resurrection rolls!
I love that this is something that they can do easily and with such great significance.

Then a got to spend some cherished time alone with my savior!
Somebody loved trying out the hammock, too, after his nap!

There are not a lot of new or fun things around town that the family hasn't been to yet. The kids don't do well at the Grands favorite activity, thrifting....but we did have a couple of fun mornings together.

Riverfront park on a misty day meant that we had it pretty much all to ourselves!

Red door = photo opt with all the family members

Beach's younger bro, Donald, makes Beach look like a shorty, if that is even possible!
One good looking family!
The girls took turns riding!
So thankful that the rain held off!
Another day was a fun visit to the zoo! Grandma was a good sport to pose with the statues!
Shiloh, you will take a picture with me and an animal.....cue death grip starting!
Donna made a new friend!
I believe she may love giraffes as much as I do!
The garden is so beautiful this time of year!
One of Zoe's favorite things now....climbing this big rock!
Awkward gorilla picture....check!
Silly Grandpa picture...check!
Double check!
Awkward gorilla picture....check!
Silly Grandpa picture...check!
Double check!
The last night we got treated to dinner. This can always be an adventure with littles but we thankfully had a space for ourselves and chips and salsa in the meantime!
Until all the LOVElands are together again....we will miss you!
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