A fun way to start the New Years (besides all that cleaning and clearing out we did) was at a friend's frozen yogurt party.
Complete with coloring shirts (and Ezra running around).
The kids first tastes of Munchie...Ezra has not like cold things until just recently.
And really, who wouldn't want to hug a big ice cream!
When Daddy has coffee duty at church, he often brings one of the girls. They love the special job of going early to help!
So apparently when you don't give your littles a lot of snacks and when you get your produce basket they go a little crazy diving in!
Another fun time at the art museum with friends!
Completed masterpieces!
Zoe has been repeatedly asking to do gymnastics. So we stopped doing dance :-( for her to give it a try. She has loved it so far!
They added a preschool class at the same time, so Shiloh is getting a chance to try her first class!
I've experimented with some yummy food dishes, complements of some great deals on food deliveries. It makes me try some things that I would have never thought would be good on their own but turn out pretty amazing!
Thanks for the encouragement in starting this new habit from church.
We have had multiple doctor appointments this month in an attempt to figure out if Zoe has any allergies. She HATED the testing....and burst into tears in having to get it done....finally able to clam her down when having to wait.
This co-op cousin time, Zoe got to be there and enjoyed leading the littles in a story.
Ezra could not be any more thrilled that Lydia would ride with him!
This month has been tough for this momma....fighting off germs and cold weather :-(
I was determined to get out one Saturday evening...thankful that Daddy was home!
A few days later these smiles finally returned!!! So thankful!
I walked into the room during such a sweet moment where Ezra had his head rested in Shiloh's lap (a rare occasion indeed). Of course when I ran to get the camera and came back Zoe jumped in the scene, attempting to get in on the attention and this was what I captured. #siblings!
We are always beyond hopeful for a snowfall each year.
I did have to tell them to stop eating it though....as most of it was a mix of dirt!
Ezra appeared frustrated when it would get on his shoe and hands.

I was stoked to be able to go back to the circus. We got there early so we could participate in the pre-show!
So fun to be so close! (Side note....beyond crazy hair!)
I've experimented with some yummy food dishes, complements of some great deals on food deliveries. It makes me try some things that I would have never thought would be good on their own but turn out pretty amazing!
Thanks for the encouragement in starting this new habit from church.
We have had multiple doctor appointments this month in an attempt to figure out if Zoe has any allergies. She HATED the testing....and burst into tears in having to get it done....finally able to clam her down when having to wait.
This co-op cousin time, Zoe got to be there and enjoyed leading the littles in a story.
Ezra could not be any more thrilled that Lydia would ride with him!
Another day...Here they are at the "beach" as Shiloh explained it.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This month has been tough for this momma....fighting off germs and cold weather :-(
I was determined to get out one Saturday evening...thankful that Daddy was home!
Ezra would only venture out of my arms on occasion to explore, as he was finally heading towards the upswing.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A few days later these smiles finally returned!!! So thankful!
I walked into the room during such a sweet moment where Ezra had his head rested in Shiloh's lap (a rare occasion indeed). Of course when I ran to get the camera and came back Zoe jumped in the scene, attempting to get in on the attention and this was what I captured. #siblings!
We are always beyond hopeful for a snowfall each year.
So far just a dusting on our back deck - but the girls still really enjoyed it!
Even falling brought joy.
Ezra appeared frustrated when it would get on his shoe and hands.
It made for a fun morning!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I was stoked to be able to go back to the circus. We got there early so we could participate in the pre-show!
So fun to be so close! (Side note....beyond crazy hair!)
Zoe got her dance on with one of the dancers, as she wiggled her way through the crowd to the one! (They connected)
After we had settled into our seats I had such a nasty bug hit me with some major body aches and I just wanted to go home (it was that bad).
BUT I hung in there for the littles and made sure we captured a nose pick!
Oh the confidence of a Kindergartner. I loved watching little Zoe read part of her narrator line to the whole auditorium
My little partners in crime managed throughout the performance.....thanks for Poppy being the support!
Seeing their excitement was worth dragging myself from my warm home (and then from the wrong Publix to finding the right one) - for math night for their joy over the smallest of things.
Birthday parties at open gyms are a blast.
Crazy hair and all.
They do love getting a special treat!
Another party for Adalyn - camping style!
Danielle is so great at these themes. The kids loved packing their own snacks and then eating them as they listened to the mater storyteller at work!
Her daddy captured this sweet moment!
Night topped off with time by the fire...and me screaming in fear when Ezra got to close (I was sent inside shortly after).
Ezra enjoyed finishing his snacks the next day. Well done Russells!
Hoping for more wellness and smiles next month!
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