May was filled with so many memories that we packed in, yet again. Here are some of the bits in between.
Mom's birthday...and she is so loved by her Grands (and us all).
Danielle hit it out of the park, per usual, when she makes an amazing dessert.
All the kids so love giving gifts.
They also greatly enjoying throwing around tissue paper from the presents.
Great weather means more time outside, including picnics and hanging with our neighbor buddy.
Our church is constructing a new building. They had our partners write a verse on the foundation one Sunday, and the girls were happy they got to participate.
When emotions run overboard, as they often do in our household, and if tiredness is compounded on top, then sleep in unusual places may occur.
All my littles love babies, and Ezra getting to meet our friend's newest addition had him captivated for quite some time!
If Beach is around during lunch time, you better watch out, as I might make him a yummy salad like the one I'm eating.
Reading on the daily with my Shiloh and changing it up a bit to do so on our front porch.
Art Museum date with my little man...
This month he created his own garden...
and we enjoyed some time in the new plaza afterwords.
Then we hit up Jason's Deli near by. Always a favorite for Ezra...
and took a salad to go to share for a picnic lunch.
It had been a year since we visited the Governor's Manson grounds (a perfect hidden private area).
Ezra remembered bits of it and we enjoyed exploring the grounds together.
I'm always amazed that this place does not have more visitors, as I think it is so fabulous.
I showed Ezra where I had had my bridal pictures taken some 14 years ago.
He enjoyed checking out the house as well, but just couldn't quite understand why we were not able to go into that part.
Shiloh is really getting into the reading thing and will do so to any audience that will listen!
Uncle William's birthday finishes up all our Spring family birthdays. His turn for the littles crowded focus.
One busy weekend, where we went to a couple of Shiloh's friend's birthday parties.
Limbo action...
which caused Zoe to hurt her leg with her dramatic dips.
My kids LOVE zoo nights (there are only a couple each year, so we try to prioritize making them).
They had their new exhibit open with the barnyard that all the kids enjoyed exploring.
Brushing of the goats was very popular.
While bending down to take a picture of my littles I had a goat come and chew my hair. Silly little thing made me laugh.
This old lady can only handle a turn or two on the carousel.
Even in May, it was a hot night and there was much rejoicing when a treat was called for.
Since the stroller rental is free on zoo nights, my BIG kids enjoyed (I.e fight over) taking turns in the double stroller.
Not to be mentioned is my most frightful experience yet at the zoo, involving the reptile area outside at dusk and many a cockroach and an injury.
I do love the aquarium, though, and attempted to have happy thoughts while there.
We did not wait in the crazy line to see the new dinosaur exhibit that night but did take advantage of the photo opt.

While we have had this lemonade stand for quite some time, we have never taken the time to actually use it (parents fault). The girls were very successful, though, and persevered even in the hot heat, which gave us a great opportunity to talk about money later.
While the girls had a Poppy date one night, we took little man out for some ice cream.
Poppy did send me a picture of the girls in action.
While they aren't as common as they once were, the kids still animatedly put on shows, which are pretty entertaining for this momma!
As summer is slowly creeping in we had so many great spring memories to add to our hearts.