First grade brought along new growth for Ezra. He was excited to be in his cousin's class with Mrs. Bishop!
They started out in person only a couple of days a week, with extra precautions of masks and shields.
While not my favorite look ever, Ezra was a good sport about it.
Mrs. Bishop is an amazing teacher, who posted many class pictures on IG.
In line in front of his cousin!
His adorable school picture!
A socially distanced class picture!
A family portrait!
Love when they can get outside for some learning as well....studding a tree.
Busy Bee craft!
Elephant and Piggy puppets.
Ezra got very into creating detailed pictures, including one he added to for this scenery.
His letter to Mrs. Bishop.....his favorite thing today, a firetruck and fire station.
In a wild election year...the kids did get to learn about the voting process.
Even making their own voter registration card.
The kids weren't allowed on the playground this year (crazy I know), but they still got outdoor play!
Ezra's favorite things to draw always involve buildings and cars.
Sweet little paper plate award from school!
The kids learned about picking up litter and a parent made some signs for them.
We were able to put up a sign at work (which Ezra was very proud of)!
"Don't let the pigeon get money"
"Thank you Garbage man. Thank you for picking up the trash. From, Ezra"

They did a food drive for Sharing God's Love, and we went on Saturday to help deliver the items.
There were many many books made, or at least started....
Painting his rocket.
Joy is smiles.
"Joy is family when we read."
Could this be in more adorable!
"2021 Goals: 1. Write a book 2. Play with my truck 3. Smile more 4. Read a book 5. Hug more"
Valentines Day!
"Dear President Biden. Thank you for being my president. Please be nice to the people."
"I would give the $100 to the poor people."
"Dear green. You are my favorite color. So please don't quit. Then you can draw trees and bushes. You are my favoirte color. Love, Ezra"
This was funny that I had to share. Ezra saw this old picture of himself as a newborn when his aunt was holding him and wanted to recreate it.
"As a reader, I can read in the living room. I write so I can read and feel happy. To me, math is learning and it helps me know things."
Beach and I made a video for career day that the school could see.
"Who was Ezra Loveland a boy who faced his fears no matter WHAT!"
Parents weren't allowed to help with field day this year, but they still had a great time.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"Dear mom, you are the beautifulist mom EVER!" (I mean he is the best son ever!)

Group book project.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
More and more books!
"Dear Mom and Dad, As a reader, I like to read books about cars, trucks, dog man. As a writer I like to write about cars. As a mathematician, I can think and take my time to solve problems. Love, Ezra."
A sweet poem from his teacher...I would say that is spot on!
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