This was the month of more unexpected SC weather, special times with daddy, celebrations and anticipation of the changes next month will bring.
We sure do love Saturday mornings with daddy's just an amazing start to the weekend.
Cousin Adalyn had her cute 2 year old tea party birthday!
Cousin Adalyn had her cute 2 year old tea party birthday!
They set up a fun little photo booth area!
And of corse....uncle Aaron got some awesome pictures!
Then we headed to the park down the street.
It was a little intense playing in the cold rain with tired children.
Lucky amazing aunt Lauren was there to pull them around.
She is such a great sport!
So, potty training....not the funnest thing in the world and not something I planned to attempt with Shiloh until after Ezra is here and she is two. But in having an older sister that you want to do everything like...she had other ideas...with results. So when she asks, and the timing is right, I do enjoy changing less poopoo diapers!
On this day, she grabbed the book behind her and started making faces. Such a ham!
You gotta watch out, if momma turns her head at grammy's might be in for a treat!
So my belly is pretty huge and Beach nodded that it can now double as a table.
So my belly is pretty huge and Beach nodded that it can now double as a table.
Zoe and Beach got to go to their first daddy/daughter dance.....which included little dancing but Beach did get to capture this one pictures. Other amazing thoughts on the evening can be found on the blog before this!
Zoe and Beach got to go to their first daddy/daughter dance.....which included little dancing but Beach did get to capture this one pictures. Other amazing thoughts on the evening can be found on the blog before this!
So the weather this month has been the craziest yet, weekends full of sunshine, a few weekdays full of snow....I'm not complaining. After a particularly long weekend, I enjoyed some sabbath time soaking up the sunshine and renewing my soul....before I get to met the newest soul to come!
So the weather this month has been the craziest yet, weekends full of sunshine, a few weekdays full of snow....I'm not complaining. After a particularly long weekend, I enjoyed some sabbath time soaking up the sunshine and renewing my soul....before I get to met the newest soul to come!
Poor Shiloh has been teething and can often be found comforting herself by biting on her fingers or entire hand....poor thing for weeks now those little bad boys won't come in.
So cancelled work from the snow meant I could stay up late with the hubby and watch more of the Olympics...glad I can still reach my toes to paint them!
I just went to the doors to take pictures of the cuties!
I really do appreciate this time off, although dread how the company I work for will now take away more holidays in the future this year. It is, also, hard in that we now have our own business and get hit financially with a big time loss this week. I just keep reminding myself that God's got us and will take care of us!
So an updated belly shot.....just a couple days short of being 9 months. Side note, I'm pretty sure my checks have also never looked so pregnant!
Although I couldn't get it quite capture in a picture, I went blonde. Very blonde and it feels like a big change for me. There was a vendor at an event that we did recently that uses organic hair processing (something that had been holding me up from a dye job for months) so I went for glad to loose all the dark (at least for a bit).
Shiloh will do something silly and often tell me to take a picture of her.
Like her string cheese mustache.
She is such a ham and seems to have been that way even at such an early age!
Life is so busy....I feel that I miss it sometimes.
It struck me, though, one night as a glanced in the reflection in our bedroom. The babe growing ever so large and how he would be here very soon, hopefully born right here.
Afternoon snuggles while sister is still asleep are very important!
Thankful for breaks in the cold while I'm home and can enjoy it...
silly girls, wild flowers and daddy to go on a walk with!

Soaking up more snuggles, on this big girls last day of being one!
Ok March....getting ready for ya!
Poor Shiloh has been teething and can often be found comforting herself by biting on her fingers or entire hand....poor thing for weeks now those little bad boys won't come in.
So cancelled work from the snow meant I could stay up late with the hubby and watch more of the Olympics...glad I can still reach my toes to paint them!
I didn't have too much desire to play out in the snow like I did last month, as the ice is a bit intimidating for this large preggo. I just don't want to fall and anything to happen to Ezra.
Zoe kept asking to go out, though, so Beach braved the weather for a bit so that they could get their fix.I just went to the doors to take pictures of the cuties!
So an updated belly shot.....just a couple days short of being 9 months. Side note, I'm pretty sure my checks have also never looked so pregnant!
Although I couldn't get it quite capture in a picture, I went blonde. Very blonde and it feels like a big change for me. There was a vendor at an event that we did recently that uses organic hair processing (something that had been holding me up from a dye job for months) so I went for glad to loose all the dark (at least for a bit).
Shiloh will do something silly and often tell me to take a picture of her.
Like her string cheese mustache.
She is such a ham and seems to have been that way even at such an early age!
Life is so busy....I feel that I miss it sometimes.
It struck me, though, one night as a glanced in the reflection in our bedroom. The babe growing ever so large and how he would be here very soon, hopefully born right here.
Afternoon snuggles while sister is still asleep are very important!
Thankful for breaks in the cold while I'm home and can enjoy it...
silly girls, wild flowers and daddy to go on a walk with!
Soaking up more snuggles, on this big girls last day of being one!
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