Two years ago I had just walked into the hospital, to be quickly put in a wheelchair and scream through the emergency room (yes I was one of those people that loudly goes through the ER in labor, letting everyone know - I suppose it does not just happen on TV). 10 minutes later, my Shiloh was in my arms, and I was in SHOCK! But so thankful. Her birth came as nothing we expected or planned but it was perfect just the way it happened. An hour short of being my leap year baby, this baby did leap into my heart.
So a birthday party was a bit much for this time in our lives. I really had no idea if Ezra would be here by now and in that Shiloh really has little idea of what a 2-year-birthday party means, we just decided to have some good quality time as a family. It was really nice as the family dynamics will be changing soon!
The girls have never been to the Marionette theatre and they both are at a point where they can sit still for awhile, so we decided to give it a shot....and they did pretty well.
Poor Shiloh is still teething really badly, which made her a little restless, but overall she was not disruptive.
At points she would just lean her face to mine and hold my other cheek, as if it could make us that much closer!

Riverfront park is right next door, so we had a picnic lunch there.
The weather was glorious! Much better than the freezing temps of the year before!
There is nothing better than to be in the warm sun (and not be hot) with happy littles!

We also went to get a very special treat afterwards, as the girls had been talking about cake all day. Somehow that is the main thing they associate with birthdays.
The treats were very sweet, which the girls did not mind, but made me feel like a sugar hangover afterwards!

Barely had time to snap this pic before we dug in.
Zoe now loves the windows down and the air flying through her hair!

After taking a good nap, we went out to dinner. Also, a special treat. To relive part of Shiloh's birth story (we ate there on the way to the hospital) we went to Chick-fa-la.
We only go once or twice a year and the girls enjoyed the experience (besides Shiloh spilling half her milk in Zoe's lap, causing much screaming and crying)....mainly because of the playroom that we luckily had to ourselves.
Then off to home for a little presents and bed time!

What a day, an amazing day! Loved being able to forget about the cleaning and responsibilities that have been hounding us and just enjoy being together. Nothing better than that!
So Shiloh, when you are older and you read this and wonder what you were like at this age....a brief summery:
It has been crazy to see how you have grown. Perhaps because of your very large size and how well you are able to play with your older sister, you have seemed older for your age to me (and many people I meet).
Intense. If I had one word to describe you. You have all this intensity in your body and lucky are learning to channel it in more positive ways. You love intensively, your body just shaking at times with an expression that I'm not always sure how it will turn out, but you are learning to be gentle at the same time. I love how you love, it's the same way I do.
Lover of dance and music. "Move it, move it" girl.
Caring and sharing often.
You are such a goof ball, full of expression, and will often ask me to take a picture of your silliness.
More recently you have been more guarded in new situations, more watchful before you jump into the action.
You love to pretend to change diapers, play doctor and "adjust" people (or stuffed animals or other random objects like your cup).
You often hold baby dolls, spoons or whatever, and sing "baby Moses!"
You are very observant and thrive off of routines.
You are determined and still sleep on the floor by your bedroom door, hopeful you can get out?
You love to sing and know so many songs, even many hymns.
You are full of life and fill my heart.
I love this special time with you and love/hate the amazing ways you are growing!
The girls have never been to the Marionette theatre and they both are at a point where they can sit still for awhile, so we decided to give it a shot....and they did pretty well.
Poor Shiloh is still teething really badly, which made her a little restless, but overall she was not disruptive.
At points she would just lean her face to mine and hold my other cheek, as if it could make us that much closer!
Zoe has some interesting picture poses lately.

The weather was glorious! Much better than the freezing temps of the year before!
There is nothing better than to be in the warm sun (and not be hot) with happy littles!

We also went to get a very special treat afterwards, as the girls had been talking about cake all day. Somehow that is the main thing they associate with birthdays.
The treats were very sweet, which the girls did not mind, but made me feel like a sugar hangover afterwards!

Barely had time to snap this pic before we dug in.
We may or may not have left a chocolate crumbly mess on the floor.
The sugar and chocolate did not keep Shiloh up though! Didn't make it home before knocking out!Zoe now loves the windows down and the air flying through her hair!

After taking a good nap, we went out to dinner. Also, a special treat. To relive part of Shiloh's birth story (we ate there on the way to the hospital) we went to Chick-fa-la.
We only go once or twice a year and the girls enjoyed the experience (besides Shiloh spilling half her milk in Zoe's lap, causing much screaming and crying)....mainly because of the playroom that we luckily had to ourselves.
Then off to home for a little presents and bed time!
What a day, an amazing day! Loved being able to forget about the cleaning and responsibilities that have been hounding us and just enjoy being together. Nothing better than that!
So Shiloh, when you are older and you read this and wonder what you were like at this age....a brief summery:
It has been crazy to see how you have grown. Perhaps because of your very large size and how well you are able to play with your older sister, you have seemed older for your age to me (and many people I meet).
Intense. If I had one word to describe you. You have all this intensity in your body and lucky are learning to channel it in more positive ways. You love intensively, your body just shaking at times with an expression that I'm not always sure how it will turn out, but you are learning to be gentle at the same time. I love how you love, it's the same way I do.
Lover of dance and music. "Move it, move it" girl.
Caring and sharing often.
You are such a goof ball, full of expression, and will often ask me to take a picture of your silliness.
More recently you have been more guarded in new situations, more watchful before you jump into the action.
You love to pretend to change diapers, play doctor and "adjust" people (or stuffed animals or other random objects like your cup).
You often hold baby dolls, spoons or whatever, and sing "baby Moses!"
You are very observant and thrive off of routines.
You are determined and still sleep on the floor by your bedroom door, hopeful you can get out?
You love to sing and know so many songs, even many hymns.
You are full of life and fill my heart.
I love this special time with you and love/hate the amazing ways you are growing!
What a precious one…gives me joy to know that she gives you joy! I love her!!