Friday, May 27, 2016

Field Day Fun

I have fond memories of field day as a child and was excited when I was able to attend Zoe's first.  They had some interesting challenges...
As well as some of the traditional favorites...
And it was pretty exciting when the girls beat the boys. (It was also fun when I got to join in the adult only pull - guess who won ;-)
This can be a little dangerous, too, when at one point most of the kids took a tumble.
  The snowcone break was a welcome treat (although Zo was probably the only one without flavoring).
Then they had some free time to play, line dance... 
and eat some watermelon.
It was, also, the time when Zoe rather run around with these two cuties then play with her momma.  So I found another sweet girl to play with.  How did she get old enough for that to happen?
Then it was off to some more planned actives. 
Including this one with wet muddy sponges.  Which Zoe was then beyond ready to change after.
The three legged race = Zoe was very proud how they worked as a team and did not fall down!
The last event was a fun way to have the kids race, which Zoe is very into right now, while putting a book in the bag at the end.
Such a blast of a day, thanks to it being well organized, many helpers and great weather.  So glad all the kids seem to have a great time, too!

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