So instead of a group birthday party (the kids' birthdays are pretty much all the same month), they agreed that they would prefer a Great Wolf Lodge trip again!
This time we hit up IKEA first (it is so close by), as we needed a few things. We got there in time for our second breakfast. I knew going there with all three littles would be a challenge but we made it!

Then the real fun could begin!
We were able to check in our room right away (early), so I had Ezra lay down for a nap (which was no small task). Then we joined the gang for some fun. Ezra's favorite thing, by far was this "motorcycle".
So much fun to be had, the rest of the gang grabbed a pizza between all the fun.
The little kids play area is great for them all. Thankful they still really enjoy it!
While Ez played his heart out, Beach and I took turns taking the girls on the bigger slides. Confession: Zoe is WAY more BRAVE on them then I am! She can now do all the slides, which she loved - Mom not so much.
It seemed like a full house for the night time, slightly creepy tree show. I mean.....I think there is a reason that they sing repeatedly, "There is nothing to be afraid of here!"
"Surprise Beach....I'm taking a picture!"
That's right...go ahead and smile.
Zoe made herself at home, laying down under the blue blanket front and center.
Howling faces (We look like Wolfs right)!
The kids LOVE the theme rooms....especially getting to have a bunk bed.
One last howl for the night (this one may or may not have been for a piece of chocolate).
The next morning we headed out early (in PJ's)...
for some kid yoga.
I believe Shiloh lasted a couple of moves before she wanted to just lay on her mat with her head in my lap.
Zoe, though, stuck with it in the different moves!
They then relaxed by the fire...they always love warming their toes!
And climbed the pretend trees.
One last jump in the bed, while eating raisins none the less, because mommy doesn't allow such at home.
Second water day, this was the only picture daddy took! I wasn't trusting my phone case to provide complete waterproof just tried to have fun and make mental memories.
After a few more hours of play we changed and captured a couple more pictures on the way out.
I say it was another AMAZING trip (even the ride home was pleasant as they all fell asleep). Thankful to have such a special time with the best!
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