Friday, June 8, 2018

End of school

There is just something magical about this time of year.  Seeing how much the littles have grown over time and celebrating their accomplishments.  Kindergarten was starting something new this year, student led conferences. 
They started with a precious little song, "Worlds Greatest".  (And yes, I think Shiloh might be the tallest in her class.  Just like her mommy in Kindergarten.)
Then it was on to Shiloh sharing everything she had been working on all year.  She had an agenda and was great and explaining it all and reading to me.
Proud momma!
(Most of my Shiloh pictures, some random face.)
Shiloh had the best Kindergarten teachers (same as Zoe's), Mrs. Roberts...
and Mrs. Chambers.  They make this momma's heart so content to know she was so well taken care of and loved!  Beautiful souls inside and out!
One of Shiloh's buddies ( check out that height difference).
Sister visited school and had one last Kindergarten cousin lunch!
Field day, one of my favorite things to volunteer.  This year I knew that I could not take it as my body was not doing well at the time.  Tears all around.  For real.  When it came to the morning of the big day, the girls asked Beach to come; I had no details to give him and went back to bed with a headache.  A few hours later my heart smiled when I was sent these pictures!
Daddy went to visit and got to see some of the action!
Missing teeth grin!
Hula hoop train!
3-legged racing!
Daddy even let Shiloh join in getting a snow cone.  Daddy!
The last day finally came and the girls were not looking forward to it!
I do love these pictures comparing the beginning of the year with the end to see how much they have changed!
Now one with Brother!
This was the best that I could get a few months ago....he has really grown too!
When I picked the girls up from school they literally had to be pealed from their teachers, as they did not want to say goodbye.  The van door closed and Zoe burst into sobs.  She loves her teacher, Mrs. White - hate they I didn't get one last picture.  (I'm working on allowing myself to feel my feelings, so I could not pull away before my own tears started to fall).  As they teachers lined the drive cheering about the last day (posters included) all the girls in our car were sobbing away.  I pulled over shortly to hug and acknowledge this tough time.  Passing out tissues all around.  I was just so filled with mixed emotions, seeing them hurt so, and my heart was just so full from how much they are loved!  I wanted us to just take a moment and allow us to embrace this special time.
I couldn't just head home after that, so for a special treat, we stopped by the kiosk for some (coffees) frappes.  Then it was on to the park.
My silly kiddos!
Upside-down high fives!
And monkey smiles!
The outing was topped off by finding a frog (very camouflaged in this tree) and the squeals of excitement that went with it!
My heart is so very full as we head into summer and the new adventures that await us!

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