While my body seemed to give out more and more as the weeks went by, I'm cherishing the memories that May did hold! (The precious time at the baseball game, celebrating mother's day, Zoo night and our wedding anniversary were awesome.)
Including a cute little boy play date!
Mom's birthday and Zoe explained that she must have coffee!
And some handmade cards! (Don't mind the drama as Zoe's eye wouldn't stop bothering her.)
An amazing treat made my Danielle!
The kindergarten class had a sweet little performance for the parents....
complete with song and dance.
And each child got to say what they loved about their person. "I love my mom and dad because the give me snuggles!" Can you tell what Shiloh's love language is?
Love me some Shiloh!
Kindergarten cousin pictures!
Of course they wanted to do a silly pose!
For some reason Ezra did not want to take a sunny selfie with me!
Zoe had a "bring a special person" to school day. I was proud of her for reading her poem (about me) to the class on the microphone. When I had visited her earlier in the year she was to embarrassed to talk in front of the class (and parents).
Then we got to look at all the treasures she had made me! Sweet girl!
"If you give a mom a cookie, she'll ask for some coffee and then she will want to take a shower. Then she will want to go to the gym. Then she will get thirsty, and chances are if you give her coffee, she will want a cookie."
I was so thankful to get to spend this special time with her!
While she does not take naps anymore, sometimes Zoe gets tired on a Saturday morning that she can fall asleep anywhere (usually after being pretty emotional).
Lauren threw William a surprise party at their house!
I'd say mission accomplished as he truly had no idea and showed up with flowers (for Lauren) at his own party!
The in-law men were all wearing matching colors!
Happy Birthday cupcakes!
Zoe wanted to try her school's 8 week running program...
The last event is running a 5-K with your adult.
Their sweet little team and teachers.
Thankful Beach volunteered to run with Zoe!

She was pretty excited to get a metal. Momma was pretty proud that she stuck with it and didn't quit the entire time!
She was pretty excited to get a metal. Momma was pretty proud that she stuck with it and didn't quit the entire time!
This little boy of mine...
The kiddos had a blast at our church picnic!
Although I took very little pictures!
The splash pad was by far the favorite...
This picture cracked me up....Ezra's very intense "cheese" face!
We love that our co-op basket started back up!!
William's celebration at my parents, complete with hand made cards from the littles.
Ezra is really into scooping up my camera to take pictures....you never know what you can find on there!
Most Friday night's tradition include popcorn and a movie! Something we all look forward too! Daddy always makes the best popcorn!
Despite being out of commission most of the month, so thankful for the little memories that we did have!
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