Wednesday, August 22, 2018

School Days Here Again!

Let's be honest....this week has been rough!  Well, at least with my body and being able to function like a normalish being.  With a few things I HAD to do, the majority of the time was spent resting as much as possible to attempt to get better.  Now, add in all the feelings of a new school year....SIGH! Let's just say there was a lot of praying going on!
I LOVE that the girls' school does a "hive homecoming" for them to visit their teachers, drop off school supplies and find their new desk!  It is a much anticipated event in our home and they had such an exciting entrance!
Zoe had a teacher that was in second grade last year, Mrs. Chapman, so she knew her a bit already.
Shiloh followed in Zoe's footsteps again with her beloved teacher from first grade, Mrs. Ward.
(I had to include this picture from 2 years ago when Zoe was in that class....and there were many tears in looking through past pictures and seeing how much they have grown!)
How cute is this little photo booth station!  I am so thankful for a school that LOVES on my girls.  I also saw one of her teachers post how the staff had an optional prayer walk around the school (that touches this momma's heart more than anything).
The night before the big day, Shiloh opened her letter from her teacher.
She was excited to have something special just for her and a glow stick to "help her sleep". 
When the first day came a couple of days later, the girls were up and at 'em before I even got to their room!  Thankful Beach was there to help me get there breakfast ready, as this Momma is going to have a large adjustment time to waking up early.
So big!  1st and 3rd here they come!
I love this sweet little sister relationship!
Of course we had to get one with little Ezra, too!  He is going to miss his sisters dearly!
We barely made it in time, thanks to crazy traffic!  Despite her not wanting me to walk her in, Zoe still didn't seem to mind to much!  I had to get one last picture of that sweet smile!
All set and ready to do this!
I will miss my girls dearly (but the fighting lately has helped ease that transition)! I am excited to see how they are going to grow even more this year and let their lights shine.

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