Beach went out of town, for a whole weekend. I was nervous...especially in how things have been pretty rough with the girls lately. For some moms it would not be a big deal, but he truly does so much to help me with them! Between some of the nausea coming back and challenging behaviors, it looked like something I was just going to have to endure. I wanted him to go, though, as we sure don't get friend time like we used to and he has always enjoyed going in the past.
Much grace was given me and it actually went well. Nice weather meant time outside each day where I raked many leaves! I've never raked much before moving here, but with all our trees come many pretty leaves to fall. I actually really enjoy raking and there is something satisfying about the whole process, especially when I can help Beach out with the yard work. The girls have fun with it too! (BTW - Zoe sticks her jaw out sometimes - like the pic below, making the funniest face...not sure why!) Zoe actually threw the leaves in her face (before I explained that she needed to throw them more in the air :-)

Getting some work outside done, inspired me to continue to work and get as much done inside as I could! I love clearing and cleansing and haven't been able to do a lot of this in months! I think the nesting was kicking in.
I had a couple helpers in making dinner (did I mention I don't cook?). They even had me "wash" the dishes since our dishwasher broke. I feel that the Lord just filled my heart with so much peace and joy through our time together. Not what I was expecting - gotta love it when He does that!
After three days, though, we were all ready to see daddy! He came home pretty wiped from all the fun he had (falling asleep in many places throughout the afternoon/evening). I asked him to help in getting Zoe to bed and after handling Shiloh, came to find him and Zoe like this. Melt my heart. They were both out that not even the flash from my camera woke them. Zoe has never fallen asleep with one of us in her room and this was such a sweet moment. I'm am blessed beyond what I deserve! Glad we get to have daddy home most weekends!
After three days, though, we were all ready to see daddy! He came home pretty wiped from all the fun he had (falling asleep in many places throughout the afternoon/evening). I asked him to help in getting Zoe to bed and after handling Shiloh, came to find him and Zoe like this. Melt my heart. They were both out that not even the flash from my camera woke them. Zoe has never fallen asleep with one of us in her room and this was such a sweet moment. I'm am blessed beyond what I deserve! Glad we get to have daddy home most weekends!
so sweet !!!! Thank you God for giving Jessica and the girls a happy, joyful weekend :)