Thursday, January 22, 2015

My little man at 10 months

My precious boy...time has now elapsed where you have spent as much time out of the womb as there.  My heart overflows as I get to spend even more time with you now that I'm not working.  I feel it is such a treasure!
  He is working on his top teeth as he has his tongue sticking out occasionally accompanied by a good bit of drool.
I think someone has turned on a crazy switch.  I'm not sure when or exactly how it happened, I just know that it has arrived.  Not fully aware of this I took the two littles to the downtown library for a puppet show (my sister's idea) and was REALLY looking forward to our outing together.  However, I had no idea what I was in store for as Ezra did not want to be still.  AT ALL.  Which meant crawling around the 50+ people there, including banging on the puppet stage and glass windows, crawling on and over strangers and teething on other children's toys that he found.  Chasing him around really wouldn't have been a huge issue, except for the fact that Shiloh got extremely jealous and began acting in the same way in order to bid for my attention.  Although only two, she looks as big as some four year olds and to see her crawling around with toys in her mouth, screaming and hitting her brother was not a fun sight.  I felt that it was true torture, which will not be attempted again for sometime.  We will try a different time and with Ezra in a carrier the next time we do go.  Sigh. 
The crazy is also seen during bath time.  It's easiest to have them all in at the same time at this age.  But Ezra has found the love of splashing.  And when I mean splashing, I mean non-stop, as soon as he starts with as much as he can!  Zoe has nicked named him "THE SPLASHER".  I like to pass the bathing job to Beach, if at all possible, so I don't end up with a shower as well.
I have to admit we are still co-sleeping, as attempting to get Ezra to sleep in his bed at night has not been successful.  I also admit I have not put extra energy into it, as will be needed.  However, it's so hard when I love holding and snuggling with him, knowing that I do not get to do much of it throughout the day, as he has gotten to be a speed nurser and then wants to get down to play.  However, Daddy is ready for him to move on!
Also, he does not like the flash when he is sleeping!
Ezra has become a master cruiser.  Although he can get around so much faster with crawling, that is his preferred method, so walking will be a bit longer...perhaps before he is 11 months?
He makes me so happy with his smiles!

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